Mama Drama

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Chapter 28

Sayori woke from a nightmare, clutching the front of her sleeping girlfriend's shirt.

"Sayori..? What's wrong..?" Monika asked, still groggy with sleep.

"Sorry... I-I had a nightmare..." Sayori explained, nuzzling closer against Monika's chest.

"Hey, hey! It's okay! You're safe now. I'm right here." Monika whispered words of comfort.

Monika wrapped her arms around Sayori's waist, singing sweet nothings and 'I love you's into her ear as Sayori calmed down.

"T-Thanks, petals..." Sayori said sleepily.

"'Petals'?" Monika giggled.

"Sorry... Yeah... You were a flower in my dream..." Sayori said sheepishly.

"So I'm a flower?" Monika mused with a grin.

"Well yeah. You're tall and pretty and you smell nice." Sayori explained.

Monika laughed, combing her fingers through Sayori's hair.

"Thanks. And I think you're pretty and smell nice, too." Monika replied.

Sayori yawned, shifting a bit to get more comfortable.

"Let's go back to sleep, okay? We have school tomorrow." Monika said.

Sayori nodded weakly, her arms moving to wrap around Monika's neck.

Monika listened as Sayori's breathing slowed and she went limp in her arms, smiling softly as she nodded off as well.


Sayori woke to the sound of Monika shrieking downstairs.

"Who the fuck are you?!" she heard a familiar voice sound.

Oh no...

Sayori sprang out of bed, quickly pulling on a shirt and underwear before racing downstairs to the sound of arguing.

"Madelyn! Hi! Welcome home!" Sayori stepped between them before her mind had time to even process what was happening.

Looking around she noticed the frying pan in Monika's hands and the pocket knife in her mother's.

"Who the fuck is she?" her mother asked with disgust, nodding towards Monika.

"She's with me, Madelyn. She's just staying for a bit." she explained.

"Did I give you permission to have guests?" the woman asked in a growl.

"N-No mo- I mean Madelyn!" Sayori corrected herself.

"Didn't think so. She can stay two days. Any longer and she's paying rent. Got it, bitch?" she spat to Sayori hatefully.

"Yes, Madelyn." Sayori nodded, grabbing Monika's hand and rushing back upstairs.

"Who was that?" Monika asked once they made it inside and locked the door.

"My mom." Sayori sighed, rubbing her temples.

Monika nodded in understanding, hugging Sayori from the side.

"I.. I didn't know.. She was coming, I'm sorry." Sayori said softly, turning to hug Monika properly.

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