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                                                                     *Christopher's P.O.V.*

I cleared my throat, the fire still cackling in front of us all.

"So, um..whats your name?", I asked Alex, even though I knew it already. "Uh, Alex Hayes." I nodded and swished the cup around in my hand, making the juice hit the edges of the cup.

"Whats your name?", she asked me. "Christopher." She nodded awkwardly. A few minutes of an awkward silence passed before she spoke up again.

"Okay, I know you guys. I mean- what you are. I know that you guys are werewolves."

Everyone's faces went pale, except mine.

I know she was one too, because she went from being a wolf to a human in the same exact position with the same wounds.

" guys do know I'm a werewolf too...", she trailed off awkwardly. The color turned back to every one's faces when she said that.

"So, are you guys like, a pack or..rouges?" I shook my head quickly to her second option.

"No, where a pack. I'm the Alpha of the "Crescent Moon" pack. Were a pack of six and we camp in the woods because our wolves prefer the woods over housing. But, we were waiting to buy a house once I found the Luna for the pack.", I told her.

She nodded before stopping her movements. "W-wait. I'm going to b-be responsible of a in a Luna?!", she started to panic.

"I c-cant do this Christopher. I'm not even responsible enough to take care of a guinea pig!" I couldn't help but laugh at her in her panicked state.

"Hey, hey. Calm down. Your wolf will know what to do when the time comes. Trust me, you will. It's in wolf nature to take the role as Alpha is your mated to one."

She slowly nodded her head and I watched her relax and sink back into the chair.

"So, care to tell me about yourself Christopher?", she asked me.

I laughed and nodded. "How about this. We go around the circle, and tell each other about ourselves. Okay?", I asked her.

She nodded and sat forward, her elbows resting on her knees.

"Okay, my name is Christopher. I'm Alpha of the "Crescent Moon" pack. I'm nineteen years old. My wolf is black, and I prefer the woods over society."

Then, it was Sam's turn.

"Hi, my names Sam. I'm an Omega that belongs to the 'Crescent Moon' pack. I'm sixteen years old. My wolf is gray, and I agree with Christopher on his preference to living terms.", she said.

Alex nodded quietly.

"Yo', my names Jade. I'm an Omega of the 'Cresent Moon' pack. I'm seventeen years old. My wolf  is pitch black, and I like living in secluded areas where its quiet." Alex giggled at her straight forwardness and I chuckled.

"Darius. Beta of the 'Crescent Moon' pack. Eight teen. My wolf is auburn, and I like quiet and dark places.", he said pretty obviously bored of this conversation.

"Greetings Alex, my name is Xavier. I'm the second in command, which means I have just as much say as Darius. I'm nineteen years old. My wolf is blonde and I LOVE being in a smushed area with people."

" names I-Iris. I'm an Omega of the 'Crescent Moon' pack, and the "soon to be' pack doctor. I'm seventeen years o-old. My wolf is a raven black, and I agree to w-what Jade said.", she stuttered out. I nodded.

Alex smiled at everyone.

"Nice to meet you all. I will introduce myself.."

                                                                          *Authors Note*


Just gonna let you know, but this book is going to be in a series.

Thanks (:


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