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                                                                               *Alex's P.O.V.*

I was falling. Falling into a swirling pit of darkness. I tried to scream but nothing came out of my mouth. I tried to open my tightly closed eyes, but they would budge either.

I started flipping around, causing a loud squeaking sound to occur from outside the black swirl I was falling in. I heard muffled voices calling out to me. I heard someone call my name in a worried tone and the black swirl started to crumble. A sliver of light appeared from the dark, and I clawed out into it. It opened wider as the voices became more clear.

Warm tingles spread throughout my still body and I registered them automatically as Christopher's. The light became brighter as I suddenly opened my eyes. I felt pressure on my hand, and my body felt sore. I blinked a few times before I realized I was in a soft bed.

I heard a sigh of relief come from the side of the bed I was laying in. I turned my head to be greeted with a smiling Christopher. "H-hi.", I croaked out.

My voice was hoarse and my throat was burning. I started wheezing and coughed into my hands. He quickly jumped up and went over to the night stand beside me. I watched as he grabbed a plastic jug and poured clear water into the cup.

He brought the cup up to my lips and told me to sip, but not chug. I fought the urge to chug it and took small sips, enjoying the cool liquid flow down my sore throat.

After the burning sensation calmed down a bit, I cleared my throat preparing to speak. "W-what happened?", I asked him. He sighed and scooted the chair closer over to me.

"When we went to the mall, I left you alone so you could check out stuff on your own. After 40 minutes, I went into the store you were in to find you. I couldn't see you, so I went and asked the lady up front. She said you went back with a man. I went back there and beat him to pieces. I tore him apart and he stopped breathing. I killed him Alex.", he said.

I gasped as the memories came back into my mind. Axel dragged me into the room and chocked me. He transformed into his other form, a demon. I tried to fight him when I heard Christopher come into the room, and then it was all blackness.

I remembered his evil grin when he was choking me, how he breathed onto my neck. He knew I was mated to an Alpha..but how?

My face dropped when his next words crossed my mind, "Your bound to become my lover for eternity, so just surrender." What did he mean by that?

Fate choose me and Christopher to be mates, so why did he say I was his 'lover for eternity?' This makes no sense to me. I snapped out of my thoughts when a large hand came into view, waving around to get my attention. I snapped my head to Christopher.

"Did you hear me? I've been trying to get your attention for the past five minutes, now..What did he say to you in there?", he asked me. I was afraid to tell him the truth. What if he got mad..? Wait!?! Axel is a demon, you cant kill demons.

Its impossible unless Lucifer himself summons him back to hell for eternity. "I don't remember.", I lied through a haze of anger. Why did I lie to him? Hes my mate for goddess sake. He gave me a look like, 'I don't believe you.' I gritted my teeth to force out my next words, "He wants me to go to hell with him. He wants me to become his pleasure slave."

Christopher just sat there, completely stunned. He doesn't understand my past with him nor Jenny. They went to my old school, and Jenny did his bidding for him. He ordered her around because that was her master.

He possessed her to bring him his victims to drag to hell and keep there for his pleasure or hunger. He wanted me for his pleasure only. My stomach ached and a felt a large pit form in the bottom of it. I didn't want to become Axel's lover.

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