Author's Note

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Guys! I'm going to do something for 2015..I'm going to set a goal for next year to get into the #Wattys2015 by next year.

I need you guys and very supportive fans to show me you like or even love the book by adding more votes and reads by telling friends and what not?

Anyhow, I don't usually ask for this type of stuff, but it would mean a lot to me if you guys tried this maybe?

Okay, well I just wanted to post this Author's note to try and get a boost on my book.

Thank you guys so much for this interesting experience, and I want you guys to know I'm not going to end this book with just 27 chapters.

 NOPE. I'm going to try to end this book with 50 chapters and I'm thinking of even doing a series from other pack's P.O.V.'s.

It would really mean alot to me if you guys do this. I'm not really asking for much, and I know its only one click away.

Thank you all so far for this wonderful experience to prove my love for writing and wolves.

Thank you!!

Love ya' all to bits(:


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