Chapter- Twenty nine

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                                                                *Christopher's P.O.V.*

I laughed and shoved Alex away from me. She giggled and grabbed a handful of her mushy cereal and threw it at me.

It landed on the table in front of me with a loud sucking noise and milk dribbled out across the table and down the edge to the floor.

I stifle back a full on laugh and instead grinned at her face.

She grunted and scooped the handful into her palm before getting up and throwing it away in the rubbish.

I continued eating my bowl of 'Lucky Charms' as she sat back down to finish eating hers. I drank the milk from the bowl and rose up from my seat.

I walked over to the sink and rinsed the milk out of the bowl and put it away in the dish washer. Alex pushed the chair back and followed in suit.

Once we were both done, I trailed behind her into the living room. She slumped down into the couch and reached for the remote.

I snatched it from her reach and pressed the power button. I let it go and channel surfed for a while before deciding on a show about dogs.

Alex raised her eyebrows and giggled when it showed a wild species of the Timber Wolf.

She shook her head and reached for the remote, but I raised it high above my head.

She quickly jumped up from the couch and started to grab for it again, but I stood up too. I held it well above my head to where she couldn't get it.

I was 6'1 and she was 5'4. I let out a throaty chuckle when she tried to climb up my body using my feet to jump on.

I heard someone rush inside from outside.

Alex backed away from me and turned to the front door.

Xavier came rushing inside and came to a spewed stop when he saw us in the living room.

He bowed his head to me and then paused, sniffing the air. His eyes widened and turned to Alex before bowing his head in a sign of respect.

"Alpha, Luna.", he said after he bowed his head. He stood straighter and coughed awkwardly.

"Yes Xavier? Something ya' need?", Alex questioned.

His cheeks turned bright red but quickly disappeared.

He cleared his throat before speaking, "Alpha and Luna, there seems to be a problem. Jade and Sam said they were playing Hide N' Seek near our territory line when Sam claimed to see at least three to four black figures running around our territory. Jade said the air was thick and cold.", he said really fast.

I stood straighter and immediately dropped the remote behind me. Alex's face became pale and her body tensed at the mention of black figures.

I held my hand out to her and dragged her out to my office. Xavier trailed behind us awkwardly.

I slung the door open and directed Alex to my chair and Xavier to the other chair in front of my desk.

I stepped inside and shut the door in a quick motion. I sped off towards the phone and typed away a well known number for another pack.

It rang twice before someone picked up.

"Hello, this is the 'Shallow Eclipse' pack Luna, Iris. Who is this may I ask?", she spoke. I swallowed down my bubbling anger and cleared my throat to speak.

"Luna Iris, this is Alpha Christopher, Alpha of the 'Crescent Moon' pack. I called to ask a few questions on something rather important."

I heard a slight sharp intake of air and then silence. I waited for a good few minutes before someone spoke again.

"Hello Alpha Christopher. This Is Alpha Ben. How my I help you with these questions?", he asked me in a gruff voice.

I replied, "Yes, well it seems two of my pack mates were playing near our territory line when one of them spotted three to four black figures running around our territory and then disappearing again. I called to ask if you knew if these were few of your pack members."

I heard him grumble and then cough. "Yes Alpha Christopher. When my Luna and I were walking back to our territory, we ourselves saw something like this. There were four blackened figures running past us into your territory. I didn't catch any scent but my Luna claimed to have felt a chilled air when they appeared. This may not be our concern, but I will call for a meeting to find out the culprits if they are from my pack. I'm sorry if this was a pack member, and if so, I will certainly call for a punishment towards them."

I felt Alex take a sharp breath and the little room became completely silent. She mustve heard our conversation.

"Thank you Alpha Ben. I will call in due time to see if things were to our correct assumption. Thank you for taking your time to discuss this important matter.", I replied.

"Yes, thank you too Alpha Christopher for letting me know if this was a correct assumption. I will certainly inform you more later if its true. Thank you. Good bye.", he said.

I murmured a quick goodbye before hanging up. I put the phone back in place and sighed. I walked over to Alex and hugged her.

Xavier coughed awkwardly and I looked up, forgetting he was even in here.

"Sorry Xavier, you can leave." He nodded and got up before smiling over to Alex.

The door shut and Alex pulled away, looking up into my eyes. A quiet whimper escaped her parted lips.

I hugged her closer and kissed her for head.I felt her calm down under my grip.

I had one thing on my mind I just had to ask her. "Alex, how do you exactly know this Axel guy?" I felt her move a little bit from my tight grip.

"Urm..well. When I was little, he was a friend of my Mother's. Before she died, he used to come over quite frequently. One day, there was loud banging on the door. My mom sent me upstairs but I sat on the steps watching. He came in, but his neck was bloody and his eyes were switching between red to green. She tried to calm him down, but his rage was too great. He shoved her into the wall and then fell to his knees. At the time, my dad wasn't home. I hear screaming and then it was silent. I looked to see he was in a demonic type form. My mother sat on the floor, her eyes wide with fear. He looked straight at me and cussed. She looked at me with pleading eyes.", she continued.

"I ran upstairs as I heard him yell and say that I was his. The day after, my mother died. She killed herself to hide my secret. Funny thing is, she wasn't my real mother. In a note I found, she wrote something about her brother biting me. She doesn't have a brother and I was born a werewolf. When I died outside that day, Axel dragged me to hell Christopher. I was tied onto a chair and stuck in a hot room. Then, some woman came and made him disappear. She told me that my mother was the Moon Goddess. I was told there will be a war and I have something Lucifer wants.", she gasped out of breath.

I felt like the floor just gave away at my feet.

My mate was the only child of the Moon Goddess, she was the one who is always used in the horrible prophecy's I heard about as a pup.

The prophecy claims that the off spring of the Moon Goddess would become the main effect for a large war and her mate will be her rival.

I cant believe this.

I'm bound to hate my own mate. I felt my heart clutching onto the grasp of this.

I held Alex closer to me and whispered sweet nothings into her ear.

                                                                        *Author's Note*

Hey guys!

Hope you liked this new chapter.

Its really important to me if this certian chapter gets lots of votes at least.

This is the very starting point of the book.


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