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                                                        Christopher's P.O.V.

I command the pack through mind link to seperate into groups of three. I put Iris and Xavier into group one, Jade and Sam into group two, and Darius and Alex in group three.

 I counted to three. 'One, two, three!' I watched the couples intently, but my main focus was indeed Alex. She swiftly swerved to the right just as Darius threw down a paw. She dogged all swift hits from him, but not for long. He gets angered by her fast movments, and his eyes turn black as coal. He crouches just as Alex flew over his head.

In one quick movment, he kicked his hind legs up, and pushed with full force. I watch in horror as Alex goes flying across the clearing, and slams side first into the trunk. She jumps up, and lundges into Darius's side. He digs his claws into the ground, stopping himself from flying any further then she wanted. He cocks his head at her, before grabbing onto her throat.

He dug his canines deeper into her neck. She yelped, as I winced at her pain. I was going to interven, but its against the Alpha's rules, even though I made them themself for the pack. After ten minutes of snarling and growling, Alex finally gives in and surrenders by licking his under jaw. He grunted, showing approval before slowly releasing her.

As he retracted his muzzle from her neck, she suddenly whined loudly. She yelped and pranced around the clearing,while limping in circles. I rushed over to her, practicly throwing myself into her shaking figure. I snuggled my furry head into her unharmed scruff.

She yelped, but relaxed under my sensitive touches. I nudged her body over, forcing her to flip over on her ingured side facing up. She slowly moved, careful not to hurt herself further. I gasped when I finally seen her side. Three lumps were starting to prodrude from her side, her ribds clearly indicating the clean braks from her earlier slam against the tree.

I glup, and snarl towards Darius. He bravley step foward, into my view. I mind link him, and command him to shift fully. He nods his head in acknolegment before stepping away to shift in privacy. I look back to Alex, and decide what my next step is.

I cant scare her by telling her or showing her the damage, so I do wants only nessacery. I command Jade to get the pack neighboring us pack doctor. Ours died a few months ago, and no one is yet to fill the gap for him. Jade nods before truning around and running swiftly through the tree to go get help for Alex.

I start licking her wounds on her neck, careful not to add to much pressure to her wound. Since I have Alpha blood coursing through my viens, I can heal other members of the pack. I lick her neck as much needed, before the blood stops flowing out of the wound.

I watch as it slowly closes on its own, without fur to cover the transformation. She slighty moves, but quickly regrets it. She mind link privatly through to me.'Christopher, am I alright?', she questions. I want to tell her the truth of her pain, so very badly, but I know I cant. I let go of the breath I didnt realise I was holding, and answer her question. 'I honestly dont know.', I say truthfully.

She tenses slightly, before re composing herself. 'Im seriosly hurt, arent I?', she asks rather forcefully. I debate in my head rather or not I should tell her the truth. I think she can handle it, so I tell her. 'Yes. He fractured your ribs rather horribly.'

She gasps before leting out a low growl. I look over to where she was staring and see Darius walking over in human form, fully dressed. I mind link her, and tell her ill be right back to discuss the consiquences with him.

I walk over to a tree, and shift back. I shout out for Darius to get me a pair of athletic shorts for me to change in. I change, and walk over to him. I walk toward the trees, and hear his soft footsteps behind me. I turn aroun the same time he steps foward.

His small frame smaks face first into my larger one. He steps back before looking up to meet my hateful gaze. I see his shiver as he looks into my dark black eyes. My wolf takes over, and howls in defeat to have him in his control. I lundge foward, and push him into a tree closest to us. I curl my fingers around his throat and let out a loud warning growl.

"If you ever, and I mean ever, lets your anger get the best of you again, I will take your privllages away from you to join our next battle again. Do you understand me Omega?", I shout rather agressivley. He quickly nods in reply, and gasps for air, trying to relpy.

I lossen my grip to let him speak. "Ye-yes Al- Alph-a sir.", he barley whispers. I let him loose, and turn away before letting out another warning growl.

I walk back to the clearing, to see everyone changed and circiling a now pale lump on the ground. I walk faster, but stop to a hault when I see the horrible sight infront of me.

What has that mother f#*@^! done!

                                                                *Author's Note*

        Heyyyyyyyyyyyy guyyyyyyyssssss!  So, I just updated, OTAY? You guys need to start messaging me and stuff. I NEED TO KNOW YOU GUYS LOVE MEHHH..PLEASE? Ty(;

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