Chapter- Twenty six

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                                                                        *Christopher's P.O.V.*

I huffed out in an attempt to regain some oxygen into my body. My wolf has had full control of my body for the past four hours.

I had my Beta watch over the pack as I let off some steam. I was running through my territory, smashing into trees and running faster, my large paws hitting the ground with loud 'THUDS.'

I howled out in despair and cried out in desperate attempts to gain attention to my beloved Goddess, asking back for Alex.

I sat on my back haunches and contacted my wolf. 'Why didn't we feel the pain of Alex dying?' He commanded my sleek and furry body to lay down.

I obeyed and layed with my chin in between my large paws. 'I think Axel killed her wolf off. I would have felt my mate in pain and I would've felt a part of me breaking too.'

I sighed and blew out some air in annoyance. I walked through the woods, thinking back to Alex's funeral. We had a mausoleum built in a clearing near the house.

It sat in a clearing, and her body was rested in a glass casket.

I made my way to the clearing. I still had the wolf necklace around my furry neck. Thank the goddess it was size-able. I came across the clearing and shifted near a tree.

I had my basketball shorts tied around my ankle, and I quickly threw them on. I approached the mausoleum with a weird sense brewing in the pit of my stomach.

My wolf felt it too, because he whined and started to pant wildly. I pushed his complaints back in my mind and continued foward. I slowly opened the heavy door and lit a torch that was perched near the door and behind the casket that was placed in the middle of the room.

I walked further into the room to see the glass casket was broken. I felt a surge of anger flow through my veins. Who did this?!?, I questioned myself. I hurriedly looked into it to see that Alex's body was gone. I felt like breaking down right there.

My Alex was gone again. I started to get angrier by the seconds. Who would take a dead woman out of her own freaking casket?!?

I slammed my fists against the wall and let my body fall limp against it. I screamed out in frustration and gripped two handfuls of my hair with my hands. Why?

Why did I get this, my mate getting killed by a demon?

I screamed out and sobbed. After about five minutes of sobbing, I felt someone try to mind link me.

I blocked them out completely and continued in a horrid silence. I heaved myself off the ground and stood up, walking out the heavy doors.

I sighed and rubbed my red and puffy eyes. I walked out towards the middle of the clearing and sat down, inhaling the scent of the woods. I was just so depressed.

I let my head fall into my hands and kept still. It stayed like that for another ten minutes when a twig cracked a few feet away.

I picked up on it and listened intently, straining to hear or smell a wolf. When nothing showed, I dismissed it as a small animal or a deer. I layed back down when someone breathed out heavily in relief and cried out, "Christopher!"

I jumped at the sudden noise and looked up, to be greeted by Alex. She was covered in blood, and her body was caked in dirt and her hair was greasy and hung limp in crusted groups. I stood up and ran over to my mate.

I slowed down when I reached her still and shocked body. Her face was sunken in and her body was so much smaller and fragile.

Her lips were dried out and crusted. Her eyes where still brightly blue and sparkling. I carefully lifted my hand as it trembled and layed it down to caress her cheek.

I let a few stray tears fall as I felt that surge of sparks flow through my body. "A-Alex? Is that really you baby?", I asked her in a hoarse whisper.

She nodded silently before engulfing me in a strong hug. I lifted her off the ground and hugged her close to my body. I sobbed out into her and let my wolf cry out in joy.

I lifted my head back and let out a long and love filled howl. I let the world know my beautiful mate was back and alive. I let her go of the hug and looked into her eyes.

Her eyes were glossy and glazed over from tears. I wiped them off her delicate face and searched her eyes. I found a trace of fear, relief, and love all mixed in one. I looked down to see her body was small and her shirt was caked with dried blood.

Wait!?! The blood that covered her shirt was a mix between black and red. I let the words fall out of my mouth, "What happened?" She let tears stream down her face as I stared into her eyes for any kind of answer.

She let one more tear fall before gulping loudly, "A-Axel." I growled and pulled her close to me. "Mine.", I growled out. She hung close to me.

I wrapped my hands around her small waist and lifted her up into my chest. I carried her bridal style and began my walk back to the house.

She looked up into my eyes and let out a whimper. "I've missed you so much.", she said to me. I let a small and light smile grace my lips.

"You have no idea how much I missed you. I kinda destroyed our room..", I told her. She let a small giggle escape her lips and hugged me closer.

After a few minutes, we arrived at the house. I quickly reached the porch and ripped back the door. I swiftly carried her straight into the house and upstairs to a hidden room that was in the hallway in between our room and the pack's rooms.

I opened the door and shut it closed behind us. I carefully set her down in my chair that settled behind my desk. This was my office, and I kept in tidy.

I quickly moved to the phone and called our neighboring pack's doctor. The phone line rang for a good three rings before a male voice picked up.

"Hello. This is the 'Shallow Eclipse' pack Alpha, Ben. Who is this may I ask?", a gruff voice spoke. I cleared my throat before leaning up against the door frame and speaking.

"Yes, this is Alpha Christopher from the 'Cresent Moon' pack. I'm asking for a quick visit from you pack doctor since our former one disappeared earlier with in this month. My mate was claimed dead, but later found with rough cuts and she is very sickly ill.", I told him, getting straight to the point of this phone call.

I heard him sigh and reply back, "Okay. We can schedule a meet up with my pack doctor at our territory boundaries, lets say...tomorrow morning?", he asked me.

"Okay, that will do. Thank you Ben. See you tomorrow.", I said before hanging up. I walked over and picked Alex up, before sitting down and settling her down in my lap.

I hugged her to me and held her tight. I gently placed my chin on her head and exhaled loudly. "I love you Alex."

I felt her heartbeat increase before replying back, "I love you too Christopher."

                                                                             *Author's Note*

Eyy!! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been kinda busy with stuff.

Any how, I hoped you liked this chapter. ALEX IS BACK GUYS! BTW, I made a new shipping name with my best friend Maddi.

The official shipping name for Christopher and Alex is called ALESTOPHER.

Your welcome my beautiful, (And handsome) fans! Love you guys soooo much. 2.3k reads?

WOW! Completely rad.

Thanks! <3

Pure PawsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora