Chapter-Twenty one

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                                                                *Jade's P.O.V.*

"GET YOUR GRUBBY FINGERS OFF MY CHEETOS SAM!", I screamed at her. She smirked and reached over to grab another Cheeto, but I quickly smacked it away.

I growled in a territorial way before hiding the bag under my shirt to continue eating the heavenly food. She whined lightly and 'Humphed' before scooting away from me to the other side of the couch.

We were watching Teen Titans in the living room. I kept complaining because I missed the old episodes. The new Teen Titans Go sucks ass. I hate it. I slowly brought the bag out from under my shirt and tried to keep it hidden.

She stuck her nose in the air and I watched it twitch before she turned to me with a big grin. "Your dumb, you know that? I'm a freaking werewolf Jade..I can smell the cheese from over here ya' dumbo.", she basically shouted at me. I snarled and recoiled the bag into the couch cushion before turning over to her. "DON'T. CALL. ME. DUMB. SAM!", I practically screamed.

She growled before diving out to grab me. I yelled and started smacking her away from me. She kept laying over me and trying to grab my ears.

I kept snarling and swatting her hands away from my face. I went to go smack her in the face when I felt a painful pinch on my hip. I yelped in pain before reaching over and grabbing a tuft of her hair. I pulled it really hard so she was dragged over to me.

"You little butt wanker. I'll kill you!!", I seethed. She grinned when I looked down to see what caused my pain. The little brat grew out her claws and poked my hip. I was beyond furious.

I gripped her wrist before dragging her off the couch and out towards the back door. She was yelping and screeching for me to release her now. I laughed and ignored her desperate attempts to escape my grip. Once I got near the back door, I sung it open with such force the frame shook. I dragged her outside on her butt, and she kept complaining of butt rash.

I pulled her till we came upon the wire fence that crossed over towards the fenced in area where we would use to practice our battling skills. I stopped in front of the gate and opened it before throwing her into it and shutting the door.

I locked it before turning around to face the little spawn of Satan.  She was beyond mad and she growled before sitting down on her legs.

I realized she was shifting. I too sat down hunched and started thinking of my beautiful wolf form. I kept thinking about her, which I named Night Shadow. I started to feel fuzzy and let the change consume my small frame.

Once I felt I was completely Changed, I opened my blue and green eyes and looked up to see a grey wolf staring back at me with bright green eyes. I growled viciously and leaped at her. She dodged out of the way before sinking her claws in the soil to steady herself.

She snarled and jumped at my side. I felt a stricken pain shoot up my back hunch and I yelped out in pain. I fell down to the ground when she dove onto me and started clawing at my fluffy chest. I soon started to see my blood pooling around me, but I also felt my wounds closing up immediately.

I rolled over and toppled onto her. I started to claw my way down her body, scratching every inch of her thick, grey coat. I watched, still on top of her, as she started to heal up. When she was fully healed, I started back up with it again.

I was about to claw her ear when I heard low whining at first, then low snarls come from behind me. Before I knew it, I was toppled to the ground and pinned under a heavy blonde wolf with forest green eyes. He started sloppily licking the dried blood of my face before scooting of and trotting towards Sam.

She hopped up and let Xavier lick her battle wounds clean. When she was blood-free, she turned her big head towards me and cocked her head to the side.

She opened her mouth to let out a wolfy grin as her tongue lolled out and flopped down to the side of her mouth. I snickered and walked over to her. Xavier mind linked me and Sam. 'Lets go for a quick run around, and scout out the area for anything interesting.

Maybe we could hunt for a Doe or something.' I heard his thoughts and he started to moan and drool over an image of a big doe steaming as he tore the flesh off its hind quarters. I grimaced at the imagery and walked over to join the two heavy, and excited wolves.

Together, we started running through the deep woods, enjoying our little group of ferocious wolves. When we started to run faster, more freely, I scouted out a large doe. I spotted a doe about thirty feet away, munching on some grass below her.

I slowly approached her, letting my hunting senses kick in. I quickly mind linked Xavier and Sam before letting my wolf take over completely. 'Guys, full grown doe, thirty feet away. Scout out near the raspberry bushes.', I said before crouching in position to let my wolf take over freely. I started quietly jogging around her, kicking a few leaved up her and there to distract and confuse her.

I seen Sam slither over behind the doe, and Xavier crouch up on its side. I took this as my go to swing in full action and attack from the front. She swung her head to the side, kicking up dirt and fallen leaves as she started to panic and run to the left, exactly where Sam was sitting in position.

The doe ran into the bush as Xavier and Sam took over and dived out to keep it in place. Xavier bite down with a loud 'CRUNCH' into its hind leg.

It let out a loud screech with the pain it brought. Sam took that as her spot to leap under it and start clawing its under belly out. I jumped out towards its neck and chomped down onto her shoulder, with as much power as I could muster. It groaned before sliding down to its legs. We all three started tearing into its flesh, ripping out internal organs and crunching down on bones.

I was about to tear out its shoulder when I realized its eyes were still darting around frantically. I felt regret immediately take over as I did the only thing right.

I chomped down repeatedly on its shoulder were its heart and lungs are located. I felt its lung collapse and burst under the pressure of my powerful jaws. When I looked back up into its eyes again, they were a faded blueish color.

They were completely blank and I could see the empty animal it left behind. I sighed before grabbing out to continue eating. When we ate everything and left behind a bloodied skeleton, we started to dig up a large hole to bury its remains for the cycle of mother nature to conceive.

When it was about four feet deep, we tore its apart and pawed it into the ground. We buried it back into the ground before shaking out our bodies.

After we were cleaned from dirt and blood, we started to make our way back to the house, shoving and pushing each other back and fourth, playfully chasing each others tails all the way to the house.

I smiled a toothy grin.

I love this pack.

                                                                      *Author's Note*

Hey guys.

Enjoy the book? Lmao, Okay..well, I dedicated this chapter to @GhostDog13 because Jade is based around her.

Okay..welp. Bye(;

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