Moving In

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"You have everything?" Pepper asked her son for what felt like the millionth time today.

"Pep, I'm sure he's got it all," Tony laughed. His wife sent him a look, then wandered over to where to her son was sitting at his new desk. She ruffled his hair and pulled him from organizing his pencils and books.

"Should we get some lunch, babe?"

Peter looked around his room, seeing that he only had a couple more boxes to unpack. The teen smiled. "Yeah, alright. Just not at the school cafeteria, I'll be having enough of that food."

Tony chuckled, but Pepper smacked Peter's arm. "Don't be picky, hun."

The three Starks left the cramped dorm room only to enter an even more crowded hall. Despite the numerous families in the hall, the Starks had no problem getting through the tight space, seeing as most people made way for the famous family.

It was a nice September day, sunny but not too warm. Peter closed his eyes and basked in the sun for a moment, just enjoying the heat on his face. After a second, though, he caught up to his parents and got in the car.

"So," Pepper said, strapping herself in. "Do you know anything about your roommate?"

"Oh, no. All I know is his name," Peter rubbed the back of his neck. He was nervous about meeting a new person, one he knew nothing about and would be living in his room with him for the year.

"And? What is it?" Tony raised an eyebrow.


"His name, Underoos," Tony rolled his eyes at his son in the rear-view mirror, then focused back on the road.

"Wade. Wade Wilson."


Wade had an easy enough time getting through the halls. Being a single person was definitely easier for moving in. He ignored the looks he got, knowing everyone was thinking the same thing.

Who was Wade Wilson?

The teen watched the room numbers climb. Finding his own, he slipped inside, and was surprised to see that not only was the room partially decorated, it was also empty.

The bed by the window had clearly been claimed, evident by the backpack and 2 boxes sitting on top of it. The closet was slightly ajar, and Wade could see clothes hung up neatly on one side. The desk had some books stacked on it, and a can of pencils.

Wade threw his bag onto the other bed, the one by the door. It would work out well enough, seeing as Wade would have to have a quick way to get in and out of the room when he was, well... when he was working.

Wade set his backpack on the bed, then threw his trash bag of stuff on the floor by the bed. Unpacking was a quick affair, all he had to unpack was some clothes, the sheets and blankets he had taken from his old apartment, and a few books, including a beat up copy of Les Mis.

The mercenary laid back on the bed. College. The big 'c' word. He was trying to get his life on a different track, one with more opportunities. Don't be confused, the teen had no qualms with his current line of work, but... he'd like to be doing more with himself.

At least, that's what Blind Al always said. "You've got a brain in there, no matter what you say."

Wade had applied here just to make her happy. Bio-engineering. What was he thinking, of course he knew a lot about bio-engineering, he had seen enough of it first hand.

The teen stood up, letting his hood fall back. His face was covered with a deep burn scar, trailing from the middle of his forehead, over his nose and left eye, and down to his cheek. It was the one thing he was insecure about, the whole "parent-less-ness" wasn't a problem for him anymore.

Wade sighed deeply, letting his mind wander. It was getting later in the afternoon, now, nearly 4 when he checked the clock.

"Good enough time as any to get food and head out," he mumbled to himself. "Guess I'll meet the new kid tomorrow."


Tony and Pepper waved to Peter as he headed back into his dorm building. MIT was close enough to New York that Peter knew he could see them every weekend if he wanted.

Peter stared up at the building around him in awe. It had been his dream to come here, to his father's alma mater, for years now. He was finally here.

A new start, Peter thought. Somewhere I can just be me, not a nerd or a Stark or-

Peter's face suddenly fell. Who was he kidding, of course he'd be known. He was a Stark. And Spiderman. Everyone on the planet knew who he was. He'd seen that just a few hours ago when he'd moved in.

He caught stares as he went upstairs, and the teen kept his head down as much as he could.

Finally retreating back into the comfort of his own room, Peter looked around, expecting to see another person there. Expecting to have the difficult conversation about 'yes, I am a Stark, yes, I am Spiderman'. Despite his expectations, Peter found an empty room. There was a backpack thrown on the bed by the door, so Peter knew his roommate had moved in.

Weird they aren't here, he thought. I guess I'll see them later tonight or tomorrow.

Peter laid on his bed, adjusting his arc reactor to a dull yellow glow through his phone and sending a quick text to Ned and MJ.

How is it over there?

It was only 5:30 here, so it was only 2:30 where Ned and MJ were. Ned had opted to go to Stanford, for bio-engineering, seeing as he wanted to work at SI with Peter after college. MJ, who was planning on taking over for Pepper one day, was at a private school in Oregon.

MJ: Good. I hate my roommate, she's loud and annoying. Good library, though.

Ned: Its warm here, like... too warm for September.

Peter: At least you met your roomie, MJ, mine has been MIA all day.

Ned: That's super weird.

Peter: Yeah, well... at least its not stupid hot ;)

Peter texted for a while, then said good night and settled into bed after changing. His roommate still wasn't there.

Jeez, he thought. Is staying out all night going to be a regular thing with this guy?

He had no idea. 

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