Dinner and Diatribes pt. 2

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Peter and Wade offered to help clean up dished, then went back to Peter's room to play video games for a couple hours before Peter drove his roommate home. Clint shot Natasha a knowing look and put Alyona down for bed, then came back into the living room.

After the door had shut to Peter's room, Tony turned to Natasha, knowing her well enough to know when something was up.

"Spit it out, Romanoff, what had you interrogating Wade earlier."

"He's a S.H.E.I.L.D. informant," she shrugged, letting herself fall back into Clint's arms, who was sitting next to her now.

"I'm sorry, what?" The whole family looked shocked. Tony and Stephen, who had both been drinking coffee, nearly spit out their drinks, and the rest were leaning forward with confusion.

"He's 19, Nat," Steve said. "Are you sure it's him?"

Natasha sighed and was about to speak, but Wanda beat her to it. "He was thinking about it all dinner, guys, he knew Nat and was freaking out she'd tell us."

"Clearly he doesn't want us to know, or Peter, since I doubt Peter would keep something like this from us," Pepper reasoned. "Is he just an agent or something? Maybe he doesn't want Peter to know because he doesn't want him to worry?"

Natasha laughed dryly. "Peter has nothing to worry about, the kid can't die."

"Woah, woah, woah, hold up. I never met him," Steve said with a hint of confusion. "Is he an agent or just an informant?"

"He's an informant. He didn't want anything to do with being an agent. He's a free lancer," Natasha stated simply.

"Wait, can we go back to when Natasha said he can't die?" Rhodey suddenly cut in, his eyes widening in realization. "Do you mean 'can't die ever' or 'super healing'?"

"Can't die."

"Holy shit," Tony breathed. "Deadpool."


Peter yawned and slumped against the chairs they were sitting by. Wade took notice.

"You look beat, man, wanna head out?"

Peter was faking, he wasn't sleepy at all. He just really wanted to go patrolling, and it was already 11:45. "Yeah, man," the brunet sighed. "Just let me grab my keys."

The two boys headed out, waving to the family seated around the massive couch before getting in the elevator and going down to the garage.

"Should we tell him?" Pepper asked when the teens were gone.

"I think... we should let him figure it out on his own. I mean, he lives with the kid and sees him on patrol sometimes, he'll figure it out eventually," Stephen reasoned.

"Besides," Natasha said, sharpening a knife. "Wade's a good guy outside of the suit, I'm only worried about Deadpool dragging him into the illegal shit. Peter has better sense than that, I say we leave it."


Peter sent his parents a text, letting them know he'd be patrolling after dropping Wade off. He sent the car home with Karen, then hurried off to a nearby park where he could let his suit come out.

He shot a web and swung away. There was a mugging happening not far away, and Karen directed him to the action, where he took a few moments to take down the mugger. It was an easy job.

"There seems to be no other activity in the area, Peter," Karen informed the teen superhero.

"Thanks, Karen." Spiderman smiled and swung to the top of a nearby building, taking a second to catch his breath and take in the view.

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