Dinner and Diatribes pt. 1

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**A/N: Yeah, like the song ;) As a side note, I have been working on a massive paper for school and just caught a cold, so that's why this update is coming to y'all a little late.**

Wade grabbed his phone, his keys, and his jacket, putting his hood up.

"I'm gonna get dinner with Peter, Al!" His shout reverberated through the little apartment, Al shouted back, then Wade was out of the building and walking towards the city. Wade took a few calming breathes, but they didn't do much to calm the teen's nerves. Peter had invited him over for dinner. At the Tower. Where the Avengers lived. And could kill him at any moment.

Wade hadn't really been very stressed about it, not until Al had mentioned that a good number of the Avengers had worked for S.H.E.I.L.D. at one point or another, and that some of them might recognize Wade's face or name from the personnel files. Once Al had mentioned that, of course, Wade had spiraled into thoughts of what if.

It'll be fine, the blond reassured himself, trying to make himself believe what he was saying.

He arrived at the Tower quicker than he thought he would, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of disaster and worry.

"Uh," Wade stammered at the front desk. "I'm uh- here. Here to see Peter?"

The receptionist raised an eyebrow, but checked her notes. There wasn't anything on the calendar, but there was a little sticky note stuck to her computer saying that Peter would be having a friend over for dinner. It was obviously from Peter himself, judging from the little smiley face scribbled by the bottom left hand corner.

"Ah, yes," she smiled warmly at Wade, making him relax slightly. "Head over to that elevator and tell FRIDAY where you want to go." She pointed to one of the elevators at the end of the lobby.

"Who's FRIDAY?" Wade asked.

"The building's AI, she controls all the lifts and such."

Wade nodded, thanked the woman, and headed towards the sleek looking elevator. He stepped inside and the doors slid shut. Wade stood awkwardly, waiting for it to move, before he remembered what the lady had told him to do.

"Uh, FRIDAY? Take me to Peter, please?"

The lift began moving, and Wade was jolted by the movement. This would take some getting used to. When the life opened again, Wade stepped out into what looked like a lab. There was tools scattered around the room, the couch had a blanket draped over it, and music was blasting from the secondary room to the teen's left. Headed through it, he saw Peter hunched over something at his desk. The shorter teen bopped his head to the music, swiveling in his chair and grabbing something from the work bench beside him. Peter hadn't noticed Wade yet, and the older teen was planning on using that to his advantage.

Just as the chorus of Build God, Then We'll Talk came on, Wade screamed the words, making Peter jump a foot in the air.

"Wade, Jesus Christ! Karen, turn the music off." Peter stood up, giving Wade a hug and then smacking him upside the head. Wade winced, still feeling sore from the night before, but passing it off as playful joking.

"Ow, Pete!"

"You scared the hell out of me!"

"Okay, sorry, sorry! The lady downstairs told me to just ask FRIDAY where to do and I had no idea what the hell that meant so I just asked for the floor you were on!"

Peter laughed. "I always forget how odd FRIDAY is to guests. Whatever, man, at least you ran into me first and not one of the others, they are always so weird around new people. And my Aunt Nat would have assumed you were a spy and interrogated you." Peter laughed again, putting away some of his stuff and gesturing for Wade to follow him into the other room.

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