Lining It Up

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Peter flopped onto his bed, flinging his bag over his shoulder and onto the bed behind him. Wade followed the shorter teen into their dorm room, also collapsing on the bed and throwing his bag onto the rug.

"What. A. Drive."

Peter mumbled some form of agreement to his roommate. It had been a long drive home, made longer by the fact that Wade had been running late and Alyona refused to let go of Peter's hand for an hour until he promised to come back in another few weeks. After a few moments, Peter rolled over and opened his mouth, about to ask if Wade wanted to watch a movie, but shut it when he saw the other boy was asleep.

Damn, Peter thought. That kid falls asleep fast.

The brunet pushed himself up and rolled onto his back, stretching. Sure, he was dead tired, but Wade was passed out. It was a perfect opportunity for Spiderman-ing.

Peter slipped out of the dorm, careful to make as little noise as possible so Wade wouldn't wake up. Once he was out into the hall, he hurried to the common room, where there were windows big enough to climb out of.

Thankfully, no one was in the common room. Peter pressed his hand over his arc reactor, activating his suit. Peter was officially in Spiderman mode.

The teen hero leapt out the window, webbing himself back towards the bricks, and scurrying up the side of the building.

There was a certain smell of the night through Spidermna's mask, it was a little more musky and warm. It reminded the teen of his father, who almost always smelled like motor oil, musky cologne, and smoke.

With one last look around, double checking there was no one around, Spiderman webbed out into the night. Finally, the schedules had lined up.


Wade blinked awake, noticing that the lights were off.

They were on when I fell asleep, he thought, running a hand through his hair and sitting up. Peter...?

The blond boy looked over to his roommate's bed, which was empty.

"Where the hell..." Wade looked around for his phone, still feeling disoriented from his impromptu nap. After a few second of panic, he realized it was still shoved into his pocket. He checked the time.

"2 am?!?" Wade nearly dropped his phone. "Where the hell is Peter?"

Wade got up, turned on the lights, and sat back on his bed. He texted his roommate.

Wade: Where are you, man, it is 2 am.

There was no response. After a few minutes the blond threw the phone against the wall.


Why am I so worked up? I've only known him a week and suddenly I care about where he is in the middle of the night?  Wade's mind raced. He hadn't had these kinds of feelings for someone besides Al before. Having a friend, someone he cared about, was really frustrating. A thought suddenly struck the teen.

Peter is like family. He's like Al.

The only family Wade could remember was Al. Peter, though, was like some... long lost brother. Wade's phone vibrated against the wall, startling him out of his thoughts, and he jumped up to retrieve it.

503-114-2780 calling.

Not Peter. Not actually anyone Wade knew, which was a good indication that it was a job.

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