Spilled Secrets

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Peter was strapped to the table, struggling against his restraints. It was eerily quiet in the lab, and while Peter was taking solace in his chance to recover, he knew more torture was coming.

His body was aching and sore, both from fighting the men who had grabbed him, but also from the paralyzing agent he'd been given at the beginning of  his torture, which was just starting to wear off. The room he was being held in was dark, but clean. Much better than the room he'd been in at Liz's house all those months ago, but still terrifying. There were horrible instruments handing from the walls, and there were medical and scientific supplies on the table next to him: vials, needles, scalpels, and petri dishes.

Peter became more and more aware of his condition. His hands were clenched, each one of his nails digging into his palm and drawing blood. There was a sticky, warm liquid running down his neck slowly, and the teen shuddered at the all too familiar feeling of blood on his skin. His arm ached, and when Peter craned his neck to look at his left arm, he found a deep gash, nearly down to the bone. His shoulder was clearly dislocated, as well.

Before he could continue to examine his own injuries, Peter picked up the sound of footsteps coming down the hall outside of the room. Someone was coming back, and the teen was almost positive that a new bought of torture was about to start.

The door banged open, and Peter struggled against his bonds even harder. A tall man came in, wearing a suit and a lab coat. He started reorganizing the tools on the table next to Peter, ignoring the teens efforts to get out of the metal cuffs.

"Little good that will do," the man said, and Peter finally got a better look at his face. It was the man from before, the man who had Wade kidnapped. The one who wanted Peter dead.

"You weren't too hard to capture, you know. At first I wanted you dead, but I think this will work out much better for the both of us, don't you agree? You can be my first mutant test subject."

Peter shuddered. This man, he had hurt Wade, turned him into what he was now. He was evil, but wickedly smart.

"My- my family. My family will- c-come for... me,"  Peter whispered, his voice hoarse and weak from lack of use and the abuse he had suffered already. He swallowed thickly.

The man laughed. "They won't know where to look, boy. This lab is as hidden as a physical place can get. There's just no way they'll find you."

Peter didn't reply, focusing on what the man was preparing on the table.

"I suppose you know who I am?"

Peter shook his head. "I've seen you around campus."

The man smiled, his eyes growing darker. "I am the most brilliant scientist in the world. I am the best bio engineer to have ever lived, I have made immortals out of boys, monsters out of men, and Gods out of mortals. I have made everything from nothing and nothing from everything. And now, child, I am going to make you watch me mold this world into my own form of art, starting with your body itself."

Peter scoffed, despite the growing feeling of uneasiness in his stomach. "That's a little long for me, do you have a nick name I could use?"

"Doctor Octopus. Now, let's begin."

Peter gasped awake, sitting up and blinking tears out of his eyes. He was more than a little surprised to feel arms holding him from behind, and he jumped.

"No, please," the brunet whimpered softly, not having the energy to fight the person holding him. He was being pulled into a hug, and he just couldn't push himself out of it.

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