Catching Up

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Peter woke up, feeling a little sore from last night. Dragging a full grown man with him through the air did that to a guy.

The teen rolled out of bed, shrugging his shoulders in a circle and shaking out his legs. He yawned heavily, grabbing his phone off his bed side table. He had a few missed texts, some from MJ and Ned last night, and from Wade this morning.

Wade: Hey, something came up this evening, can we do lunch instead?

MJ: Hey, up for a Skype tonight?

Ned: Answer MJ, she'd texting me now.

MJ: You need to tell us more about the roomy

MJ: Babe?

Ned: Dude, are you out? MJ is worried now.

MJ: Are you out?

Ned: How's patrolling?

Peter sighed, a smile tugging at his lips. He texted his group chat quickly. 

Peter: Sorry, guys, I was patrolling out late and passed out when I finally got home. Let's Skype tonight?

Ned: I'm down.

MJ: See you losers then.

Once Peter had made plans with them, he sent a quick text to Wade.

Peter: Hey, lunch is good for me! 12:30? I can pick you up!

Wade: K, see you then!

Peter smiled to himself, then hopped in the shower, dressed and brushed his teeth, and then shot out into the living room. It was 11:15, now, so he'd have time to hang out with his family before he headed over to get Wade.

"Hey," he greeted his family happily. Alyona ran up to his, and he picked her up, swinging her around in a circle. The child giggled, then crawled onto Peter's shoulders.

"Heard you were out late," Natasha said, sipping her coffee.

"Yeah, I lost track of time," Peter said sheepishly. "It won't happen again."

"It better not," Pepper interrupted. "It was all I could do to keep your father from rushing out to find you."

Peter laughed, grabbing a yogurt from the fridge and tossing the toddler on his shoulders onto the couch with ease. Alyona jumped up, laughing hysterically, and landed in Peter's lap when he finally sat down.

"Calm down, now, sweetie," Clint said, running a hand through her hair and laughing at the antics of his daughter.

"What are we watching?" Peter scooped some yogurt into his mouth and turned his head to the TV. There was a news report on about the events last night.

"Police were alerted to the incident by two girls. They claim to have been let out of the house by one of the men who originally kidnapped them, and police say that is most likely why Mr. Walker, the head of the trafficking ring, killed the two other men in the house. As for who killed Mr. Walker, police are still looking for evidence. If you have any information for police, please call the number below. Back to you, Jamie."

"Jeez," Natasha said, picking up Alyona and setting her in a high chair for breakfast. "That looks brutal."

"Looks like it was a low level thing, right? Nothing we should be worried about?" Steve's question was muffled by the paper he was holding, but his voice still rang through the room.

"I doubt this Mr. Walker is someone to keep an eye on," Stephen said, pouring himself some coffee. "After all, he is dead. And we don't usually go after the scum of New York city."

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