Chapter 5 my love.

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A/n: this chaper takes place 2 weeks after the last chapter. Let our story begin.

Leos pov

I was walking back to my dorm when all of the sudden i felt someone tap my shoulder. So i turn around only to see raven standing there.

Raven: Hey leo.

Leo: oh hey rave whats up?

Raven: Well you know that the spring dance is coming up. I was wondering if you would wanna come with me.

Leo: Oh so you want to come with you as a friend?

Raven: god are you that dense.

Leo: what do you mean dense?

Raven walks up to me and grabs me by my collar she pulls me close to her and kisses my lips softly. My eyes widen in shock. Eventually i start to kiss her back. She smiles as she pulls away.

Raven: ive been wanting to do that for a while now.

Leo: s-so have i.

Raven giggles as she wraps her arms around my arm.

Raven: Good now then lets go get you a suit.

I nod as we both start walking twords a bullhead.

A/n: Timeskip 1 hour later brought to you by chibi raven having leo try on suit after suit.

Still leos pov

Me and raven were now walking threw the halls of beacon.

Leo: how many suits did we buy?

Raven: at least 6.

She giggles as we finally arrive at my room. Raven then turns to me and smiles.

Leo: well ill see you tomorrow rave.

Raven: actually....i was wondering....can i stay in your dorm from now on?

Leo: whats wrong with your dorm?

Raven: simple taiyang is the problem.

Leo: Man thag guy doesn't know when to quit.

Raven: no shit. So can i stay in your dorm with you?

Leo: of course.

I unlock the Door and raven follows me. I sit down on my bed and yawn.

Leo: man today was exhausting.

Raven: I know right and tomorrows gonna be even worse.

Leo: Yup.

Raven: lets get some sleep...night leo i love you.

I smile as i hear these words. I slowly nuzzle raven and fall asleep.

Leo: night you too.

A/n: sorry for the short chapter the next chapters gonna be longer i promise.

The student and the master. (raven branwen x male Oc reader)Where stories live. Discover now