Chapter 4: Treaty

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Beau's house^
Cora's POV

The next day my dad walked around the house anxiously while waiting for it to be 2:00, when he would meet with Alpha Beau.

The time finally came and he left with his other beta and I went to go try and sleep. I hadn't had any good sleep lately.
When I woke up it was 5:00 and I heard a lot of commotion downstairs. Luke was arguing with dad. I quietly crept to the top of the stairs to listen.

"You can't let him do this!"

"This is the only way. It was his only term for the treaty. If we do this he will stop the attacks and leave us alone."

"But she is your only daughter and my sister! Mom, how can you be okay with this?"

"She's old enough and he is after all her mate. Just try to understand that we both wants what's best for the pack."

At this I ran down the stairs and was greeted with shocked faces from family.

"He's my what?!?"

"Sweetie, Alpha Beau saw you on the battlefield and knew instantly that you are his mate. He stated in the treaty that you are to go live with him for at least a month to get to know him and his pack" my mother plainly stated as if this wasn't insane.

"How could you do this? And never even ask what I wanted! Don't you care?"

"Of course we care, sweetheart. But this is in the best interest of the pack. We can't take any more deaths. You said you wanted to help protect your pack. Here's how you do it" my dad said.

"I can't believe you!" I said as I stormed off.

"Your mom will come help you pack" he called after me.
So there I was in the back seat of a black sedan with the trunk full of my stuff. I slowly let out tears as the driver drove me to the Black Rose Pack. 

After 2 hours the driver pulled up to a gate and spoke a few words to the guard. Then the gate opened and I gasped.

It was beautiful. There were flowers and trees everywhere and all around people were laughing and talking. Little kids were running around playing tag. This was not what I had expected. But as soon as they saw the car they started gossiping about who was in it. Good thing the windows were blacked out.

An hour later we approached the mansion that was Alpha Beau's house. It was huge and elegant. Something you see in the movies that you wish you lived in.

Standing at the door was a woman who looked a little older than me with a huge smile on her face. As we slowed down she approached the car and opened my door.

"Hi! I'm Emily! I'm Alpha Beau's cousin! It's great to meet you. Here let me help with your bags."

"Hi, I'm Cora" I said nervously.

"Of course! You're his mate and I'm so happy you're here. Let me be honest, we didn't really think he would ever find one but here you are! And you're gorgeous so that's a plus. And let me be the first one to say, welcome to Black Rose Pack!" She said as we walked into the entryway.

There were two curved staircases going upstairs and a massive chandelier hanging in the center. There were was a single table in the center with black rose in a vase.

"Thanks. I'm really nervous about this. I mean I've never met him and honestly haven't heard great things."

"He can be a bit stand offish at first but he's actually really sweet. You do have some time to relax here before you meet him. He's off in a meeting with his betas. But I'll show you to your room."

"Okay great." We started going up one of the staircases and were greeted with two hallways on the left and right. She started heading down one and after a couple of doors she opened one and walked in. The room was beautiful yet simple. There was a queen size bed with a nightstand on either side and a dresser against the wall. To the right there was a door leading to the bathroom.

"How many people live here? There were so many doors."

"Well, Beau, me and my daughter, his betas, and now you. I'll let you get comfortable and I'll be downstairs if you need me."

"Thanks for everything, Emily."

"No problem, Cora!"

As she closed the door behind her, I looked around the room taking in my surroundings. I still couldn't believe I had a mate and was forced to live with him. At least he didn't make me share a room with him.

I looked at the clock and it was already 10 so I showered and decided to go to bed. I had had a long day.


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Ashley Benson- Emily

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