Chapter 14: Captured

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Cora's POV

I was cooking some eggs and bacon for Beau and I back at the house.

It had been a week since I had talked to Naomi and no one had found out any information on Theo yet. I was getting worried.

So to take my mind off of it, I decided to make breakfast. I was beginning to turn off the stove when I felt someone come up behind me. I smelled that familiar, intoxicating scent and a small smile spread on my face.

"Hey, beautiful" He said as he moved my hair away from one side of my neck. He leaned down and placed kisses along my neck. I tried to keep myself together but there were sparks every time he touched me.

I reached above me and ran my fingers through his hair as he deepened his kisses.

All of a sudden, he spun me around and began kissing my lips. Goddess, this felt good. Then, I was being lifted up as he grabbed the back of my thighs and placed me on the counter.

He was standing in between my legs and started to trail his kisses down my neck and chest. I let out a soft moan and I could feel him get a small smirk from this as he continued up my neck again, returning to my lips. 

"Excuse me... Alpha?"

"What?!" He said as turned to face the intruder. It was Jessie and he looked mortified. My cheeks began to feel warm as I felt myself blush.

"Alpha, it's Theo. We have a lead."

"I'll be right there" he said, annoyed. "This isn't over" He sated and then gave me a small kiss before leaving.

I jumped off the counter and looked at the breakfast I was making. It had burned. I grabbed a muffin instead and headed to meet Emily.
"He saw you! Wow, Cora." She said with a smile.

"Stop it, I'm embarrassed enough."

We were walking in the main street of the pack. A couple of people had glanced at us, some even saying 'good morning, Luna' to me. It felt weird.

"So where's Beau now?"

"He went to his office to go see what lead they got."

"Hopefully this one actually amounts to something. They keep on chasing dead ends."

"Yeah, I mean in a way, I don't want them to find Theo."


"Because we still don't know why my old pack was trying so desperately to find him. Maybe we shouldn't be hunting him down." I said as we turned down a street that went into the forest. We had planned on going on a run while Lizzy was at the pack day care.

"I guess I understand that. I just want to know who he is and why Beau and I never knew he had a brother. Like, why did our family keep him a secret?"

"That's what I mean. Maybe there's a reason."

We kept walking deeper into the woods and eventually stopped. We started to take off our clothes and pile them under a tree.

My wolf was so happy that she would be able to go for a run. The last time she got to be out was the battle with my old pack. That felt like ages ago now.

We started to run and chase each other. Then we just jogged next to each other. I was taking in the beautiful scenery of this pack. I had been here for about a month now but hadn't really explored.

After a couple of hours, we decided to head back. Once we were dressed, Emily said she wanted to call the day care to check on Lizzy. She walked away a little and I turned to take in more of my surroundings.

A couple of minutes later, Emily still hadn't returned.

"Emily? Emily!" I called but there was no response. Of course I forgot my phone.  I started to become more and more worried so I tried to head back to the road. But I didn't really know the way too well so I wasn't sure if I was going the right way.

"Ow" I said as I tripped on a root. I stumbled back up and started walking again.

I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head and I reached for the back of my head, my hand had blood on it. Then I couldn't see anything as I fell to the ground.
"Come on, sweetheart. Wake up!" I heard a man say as I slowly opened my eyes.

My head was killing me and it took a minute for my eyes to adjust. I was sitting on a cold metal chair and my arms and legs were tied to it. I was in a gray room with what looked like blood stains covering it. There was a table a couple of feet from me with tools on it.

"There she is! I was beginning to think you wouldn't wake up." The same man said. I looked in that direction. He was a big man with a buzz cut and multiple scars covering his body.

"Where am I?"

"You don't need to worry your pretty head about that. All you need to do is answer my questions."

"O-okay." I said, slightly tugging on my restraints to see how tight they were.

"Now, what's your name?"


"Cora! Nice to meet you! I'm Will. I knew I grabbed the right one. My boss thought you weren't the mate but I told him you were."

"Who's your boss?"

Then a felt a sharp pain in my side. I looked down and saw a small clamp on my side with a wire that I followed to a box sitting on the table.

"Now, that was just a warning. I ask the questions here" he said as turned up the knob on it.

"So! You're that Alpha's mate. What does he want with Theo?"

I looked at him with wide eyes. That's what this was about? I guess I took too long to respond and I felt an even more intense pain hit my side. I screamed out in pain.

"Let's try this again, what does your mate want with Theo?"

I didn't respond and he turned up the knob and hit me with more electricity. I screamed even louder.

The door opened and another man walked in. He was younger than Will and had blond hair.

"I told you to wait for me!"

"Sorry, Alpha" Will cowered.

The man approached me and I tried to get away.

"It's okay. I'm sorry about him." He said as he unhooked the clamp. "What's your name?"


"Cora, it's great to meet you. I'm Theo."


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Charlie Hunnam- Theo

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