Chapter 19: Beach

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Cora's POV

We spent the day walking through the nearby town and doing some shopping. The whole day was amazing.

When we got back to the house I decided to take a shower.

I took off my jeans and white top that I had been wearing and turned on the hot water. Looking in the mirror, I couldn't believe everything that had happened in the last few months. I was a completely different person back then.

I stepped into the shower and started washing my hair but then I heard something.

"Beau? Is that you?" No response. My heart started to race as the door to the bathroom opened.

But then I smelled that same intoxicating scent and knew it was Beau.

He pulled back the shower curtain slightly and stepped in. "Hey, beautiful."

"You scared me!" I said lightly pushing him.


I turned to face the water, my back towards Beau. I started to giggle as he placed soft kisses along my neck.

"I love you" He said.

"I love you."
As I turned off the water to the shower, I pulled open the shower curtain. Beau had left so I could finish my shower.

I wrapped a towel around my body and opened the door to the bedroom.

I looked towards the bed and saw a dress with a note.

It was from Beau telling me to wear the dress and to be meet him downstairs in an hour. I looked at the dress with admiration, he really knew what I liked.

It was a short, white fit and flare dress with thin straps. I was glad I brought wedges that would go with it.

Slipping on the dress, I finished getting ready. I curled my hair into loose curls and put on simple makeup. Making sure I looked nice, I glanced in the mirror before heading downstairs.

Beau was waiting outside in front of his Jeep.

"You look amazing" he said as I approached him. He gave me a light kiss and handed me a rose that he was holding.

"Thank you" I said, taking it. He opened the door for me and I got in. He closed it and got into the drivers side.

"So, where are you taking me?"

"You'll just have to wait and see, beautiful" he said with a smirk.
"It's so beautiful here" I said, looking out on the water.

We had been walking on the beach for a little while now and I was still mesmerized by it all.

Beau stepped in front of me and took out a cloth from his pocket. "Put this on" He said, smiling.

"Okay" I giggled.

He lead me further down the beach and eventually stopped me. "Alright, take off the blindfold."

I gasped. It was breathtaking. There was a wooden covering set up with white curtains hanging around it. Lights and roses were hanging all over it and underneath it was a table with two chairs and food. "Beau, you did all this?"

"With the help of some pack members but yes."

"It's amazing" I said, running into his arms. He gave me a passionate kiss and then broke away.

"Time to eat."

We ate the amazing dinner of lobster that he had prepared and enjoyed some wine.

We finished dinner and decided to watch the water for a little. Everything was so peaceful.

"Cora?" Beau said, turning towards me.


"You have been a light to my pack and to me. You stood strong through all that has happened and I couldn't have accomplished what I have without you. I'm so grateful and I love you so much. So" he said as he got down on one knee, "will you marry me?" He pulled out a beautiful ring from his pocket and I gasped.

"Yes!" I said as I pulled his face up to mine and kissed him. He pulled away and put the ring on my finger. We kissed again and I yelled as he picked me up and carried me towards the ocean.


"Come on, beautiful. Let's go for a swim!"

He brought me into the water and put me down. He started to take off his shirt and pants and then his boxers so he was completely naked. I did the same, taking off the dress and my underwear. He threw our clothes onto the sand and picked me up again.
I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me further into the water.

All of a sudden he took us underwater. I got back up and splashed him. "Hey!"

He laughed as he splashed me back.

We continued to swim for awhile and then decided to head back to the house. But when we got back to the sand our clothes were gone.

"Someone stole them" Beau said. He looked at me with a slight grin.

"What" I said, trying to cover myself.

"Looks like we have to go to the Jeep without clothes."

"You're kidding."


"Fine. Let's go" and I started running towards the Jeep and he followed close behind. Midway I decided to shift and he did the same.

We made it to the Jeep and shifted back. We looked at each other and laughed. He drove us back to the house and then we ran into the house.

Once inside, he quickly picked me up and I straddled him. He kissed me passionately and I returned it.

He started to carry me upstairs and towards the bedroom. I reached behind me to open the door and he placed me on the bed. We continued to kiss and make love.

Nothing felt so good.

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