03. Family Business

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Nolan backed into one of the empty workshops, completely unaware of my silent panicking.

He hopped out of the car, going around to release our car from truck. After a few moments I got out of the car as well, grabbing my purse and leaving behind the pad of review slips.

Ana stood in front of one of the other workshops next to her shiny, silver BMW. Her hair was cornrowed into a pony tail that cascaded down to her back. The white summer dress she wore ruffled in the wind as she talked to an older white man who wore the same green coveralls as Nolan.

Speaking of Nolan, he appeared at my side, handing me the keys I had forgotten were in his possession. "It's going to take about three hours to replace the radiator," he said. I noticed his voice lacked it's usual annoyance. So did his face.

"Do you have a waiting area?"

For a split second the sarcastic, rude, Nolan was present. It was quickly suppressed when he glanced over at the older man talking to Ana, who stared back with a hard look. Nolan fixed his face with something half way between and a smile and a scowl.

"I'll show you."

That man must've been his boss. I'm betting I wasn't the first person to call out Nolan on his attitude.

He lead me around the bright yellow building to the front. A large sign that said Chambers' Motors hung above the door. Chambers? Isn't that Nolan's last name?

The inside of the small area wasn't as grimy looking as the workshops. The wood paneled walls were decorated with framed pictures of cars. There were plants in the corner and a counter with a coffee maker and a platter of cookies.

The receptionist sat at a small desk one side of the room and a row of uncomfortable looking chairs in the other. A rack of ancient car themed magazines sat in the corner next to the chairs.

The woman at the desk bore a striking resemblance to Nolan. All sharp angles and lines, only hers softened with a smile. The name plate on the desk read Allison Chambers. It must've been his mother. The man outside must also be his dad. I guess they were running a family business.

"Good afternoon," she greeted cheerfully. "I hope Nolan here was on his best behavior." A teasing smile bloomed on her face as she looked at her son.

"Mom." Nolan groaned, shooting her a look.

Her playfulness was in complete contrast from Nolan's doom and gloom attitude. I also noticed he didn't mind being his usual self in front of her.

My gaze shifted to Nolan who was busy picking at his nails. "Oh, he was."

That was a lie and she knew it. She simply chuckled. I took a seat in one of the plastic school-like chairs as Nolan moved to leave out.

The woman called him back, eye brows raised in question. "Get the girl a water," she told him. To me she said, "It's been so hot out this week. Can never have enough water."

"Thanks, but I—" Before I even got my thought out, Nolan was hovering above me, an ice cold bottle of water in his hand. I took it, offering a tight-lipped smile. "Thanks."

He grunted in response before leaving.

* * *

I'd only been sitting there a few minutes, listening to a music on my phone and scrolling through social when the door opened.

Ana's fruity perfume wafted around me as she sat in the chair beside mine. "My text was outline."

I blinked at her words. What?

"I'm not that girl," she continued, leaning in closer. "But when Deshaun told me what happened that day I just—You hurt him. A lot."

"I know." It made me sick with guilt thinking about the way things ended between us. But it had to be done. He wanted something I just couldn't give him.

Ana scoffed, leaning back in the chair. "Well, if you know then why are you calling him asking for favors?"

It was obvious she cared about him. I could tell that his pain was her pain. She wasn't trying to a mean girl, she was just trying to protect him.

"It was a onetime thing," I assured her. "Calling him was my only option."

She seemed to consider that as she twisted on of her many rings around her finger. Then she shook her head, dismissively. "No. You could've found another way to get your sister," she said, looking up at me. "It's like you wanted to hurt him. Why else would you call up a guy you cheated on?"

Cheated? I stammered to get the words out. To tell her that I never cheated on him, but she was already standing and heading for the door. My stuttering probably like and admission of guilt to her.

"I really thought you were better than that, Jade." She stepped outside, the door swinging shut behind her.

Cheated? That's what he was telling people? Instinctively, I pulled out my phone, ready to call him to get an explanation. But when I found his contact info in my phone I hesitated. Calling him would probably just prompt him to tell more lies.

Instead, I deleted his information. Something I hadn't done before because I had some diluted fantasy about us still being able to be friends. It was now obvious he wanted nothing more to do with me.

* * *

The car was fixed ahead of schedule, giving me enough time to pick up Taylor from Tiny Sprout. She was very talkative one the way home and I wished I could understand what she was saying. Probably gossiping about the other babies. I'd watch a movie about sassy talking babies.

I started dinner when we got home. Macaroni, the only thing I could afford with what was left over of Bee's money after I bought the diapers.

When Bee called to make sure I selected my classes I forced down the wave of guilt I felt about taking the money. I also held back on telling her about my interaction with Ana and the fact that Deshaun is spreading lies. She didn't need a reason to go back on her senior year resolution.

"I'm deciding between bird watching and woodwork," I told her as I stirred the noodles in the pot.

Taylor cooed from her high chair as she made a mess of the banana I gave her.

"Saws! How is that even a question?" I should've expected that answer from her. "Plus it's as close to art as you're gonna get."

She had a point. I could get creative with the designs of my bookshelves and birds houses—the two things listed that we'd be working on under the elective description.

After I had feed Taylor her dinner and put her to bed, I finished the form, signing up for woodwork and sending it in.

I then got myself ready for bed. Showering, brushing my teeth. I even took the time to slick my hair back into a puff, wrappings a scarf around my edges to save myself sometime in the morning.

My stomach bubbled with nerves as I laid in bed trying to fall asleep. Not because of first day jitters I got every year, but because of what Ana said. Because of what Deshaun told her. Were there more people walking around thinking I was the type of person to cheat?

As I drifted off to sleep my mind went back to Chambers' Motors. The small family business where the dad ran a tight shift, the mother made the most of it and the son just tried not to lose his shit. It reminded me of my own family, before my dad decided he wanted an upgrade.

My nerves turned to anger just as I fell asleep.

Hello humans!

We got a tiny little glimpse into the Nolan's family life.

+ Deshaun is spreading lies about Jade

++ How do you think her first day of school is going to  go?

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