53. Doubt

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Another week had passed without a word from Nolan. I didn't know it was possible to simultaneously miss and hate someone so much.

"Jade!" Mom called up the stairs.

I gratefully pulled my attention away from Animal Farm and headed down to see what she wanted.

Ever since that blow out with Dad she'd been around more thanks to Kevin allowing her to work from home. She was able to spend more time with Taylor. And me since I've been a bit of a recluse.

I never thought of myself as one of those girls who couldn't function without their boyfriend. Yet there I was, spending another Friday night at home with my homework.

"Someone's at the door," she told me when I was halfway down the stairs.

Who was it? Bee would've just came up to my room. That was kind of the only visitor I had.

Taylor saw that the front door was left open a crack and made a break for it. Whoever was at the door stopped her as she quickly ran past Mom.

"Hey, little mama. You're not getting past me." I immediately recognized the voice.

I looked at confused as Taylor did when I saw both Candice York and Hannah Balian standing on my porch.

Mom gathered up Taylor despite her protests and took her upstairs. I stared at my two classmates, still confused by their presence.

"What are you doing here?" I finally sputtered.

"We're kidnapping you," Hannah said a little too enthusiastically.

My gazed shifted between the two of them. "Excuse me?"

"Get changed. We're going out," Candi said. "It looks like you could use the fresh air."

Wow. Had I really become so pathetic that two people I hardly talked to outside of woodshop felt the need to step in?

"I appreciate the concern, but I'm just not up for it tonight."

Hannah pulled out her phone, preparing to call someone. Who was she going to call exactly? Candi put her hand over Hannah's, stopping her from tapping anything else.

"Bee sent us," Candi told me. "She said you have two options: You either leave willingly with us or you deal with her."

Hannah winced at the thought. "She mentioned hair pulling."

A threat from Bianca Sackler was not to be ignored. I let Candi and Hannah inside and we went up to my room.

"Where are we going?" I asked, sliding open my closet and examining my options.

Candi said, "It's a surprise." at the same time Hannah said, "A party!"

Candi slit her eyes at Hannah who turned bright red, a sheepish look on her face.

"That's all you're getting from us," Candi said. "Just wear something cute."

* * *

Forty minutes later we were at Bee's house. When they said were going to a party I didn't expect it to be there. Had Bee mentioned a party? Was I so caught up in my own drama that I forgot?

Her giant house felt like it was the size of studio apartment with all the people currently crammed inside. Music sounded like it was coming from every angle. Couples grinding against each other took up the living room which was void of furniture. The kitchen was full of people making themselves drinks or making out.

I'd only been in there ten minutes and already I was sweating. "Where's Bee?" I shouted at Hannah over the music.

"Her room," she replied, nodding to the stairs. Before I walked away she winked, a smirk forming on her face. What the hell was that about?

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