34. Fake Love

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For the first time since Bee got her license I wasn't riding to school with her. Nolan offered to take me to school the night before, when we both received emails informing us that our interview was today. We both agreed that we needed to get one more study session in before school started.

When the doorbell rang I was changing Taylor's crap filled diaper. How such a small person could produce that much poop was beyond me. I tried to hurry and wipe her clean while I listened hard to make out the voices downstairs.

My mom was meeting Nolan for the first time ever. Nolan was in my house for the first time ever. I couldn't hear what they were saying. I just hoped my mom wasn't drilling him about our project and giving him the same skeptical look she gave me whenever I brought it up.

Finally, Taylor had a fresh bottom. After I dressed her in the outfit mom left out for her I headed downstairs with her on my hip.

My mom and Nolan were laughing at something when I stepped into the kitchen. Mom was preparing eggs for herself and Taylor at the stove while Nolan was seated at the table munching on a flaky biscuit my mom probably forced on him. When Taylor called out to Mom, they both looked up at us.

An easy smile spread across Nolan's face when he saw me. My heart stuttered in my chest. I tore my gaze from him as I set Taylor in her high chair. I could feel my mom's questioning eyes on me as I secured Taylor in her seat.

"What exactly is this project you two have been working on?" Mom asked. She still didn't believe there was a project and was trying to trip us up. I knew she'd try to pull something like that, so I warned Nolan before he came over. Who knew convincing my mom we weren't dating would be harder than convincing everyone else we were?

"Bird feeders," Nolan said without missing a beat. "For woodshop."

That wasn't a complete lie. We did have to make bird feeders a few weeks ago. Only, like all of our projects, we worked on them during school hours.

"And you two can only do this at night?" she asked, eyebrow lifting up in question.

"I have to watch Taylor after school and he has his thing. It's the only time we can meet up." I picked up a warm biscuit from the plate on the counter and nodded to Nolan that it was time to go.

My mom pursed her lips, seeing right through the lie. "Well this project better not come up again nine months from now."

Nolan choked on his biscuit. My jaw dropped as heat rushed to my face. Mom smirked smugly as she gave Taylor her eggs and juice.

"We're leaving." I pulled Nolan out of his seat and hurried out of the door. Mom laughed as we left.

"She is so embarrassing," I complained once we got in the minivan.

"At least we know now that our fake love is strong enough to fool anyone," he said, an amused grin on his face.

The only person I wanted to fool was whoever was in charge of interviewing us.

* * *

When we arrived at school Nolan and I separated to go to our lockers, which were in opposite directions. As I was grabbing what I needed for first period Bee came up beside, her arm crossed, green eyes glaring up at me.

"What'd I do?" I was joking, but she wasn't.

"You could've told me you were getting a ride from Nolan," she demanded. "Didn't you get my text last night?"

I tried to recall if I got her message, but all I remember was texting back and forth with Nolan until I fell asleep. "Sorry," I said, sheepishly. "Our interview is today and Nolan and I were going over what to say."

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