12. Cliched Badboy

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The news that my mom was in between jobs sat with me all night. No job meant no money. No money meant no lights. No gas. No house.

I couldn't let her deal with all of that on her own. She shouldn't have to when I'm fully capable of helping out. And my art wasn't enough.

The Grice's market was still an option. I just needed someone to keep an eye on Taylor. One idea came to me. An idea I wished didn't make so much sense. It was the only the way, though.

That next morning after Bee dropped us off at school I lied about needing to talk to a teacher about extra credit. Instead I went across the street, to a park that some students hung out at in the mornings.

There was a small group of skater looking guys in hoodies a beanies and then there was Nolan, looking out of place among them in his all black everything. He didn't notice me until I was right in front of him.

He looked away from his phone, eyes squinting up at me. "You need something?"

"Can we talk?"

He glanced around at his friends before grabbing his backpack from the ground, slinging it over his shoulder as he stood.

Once we were a distance away from prying ears I asked, "That offer still on the table?"

He froze in his steps, his eyes snapping in my direction. "You serious?"

"Maybe. If you can help me with something."

"I'm helping you get a scholarship."

I crossed my arms over my chest, staring up at him. "Well, if you want to get to London you're gonna have to do a little more than that."

He studied me for a moment. I fought the urge to turn away from his gaze as a blush crept up my neck. "What exactly would I need to do?"

"I need a job, but I have to watch my sister after school."

"Why can't your mom watch her? It's not like she has a job—" His mouth clamped shut as my eyes bore into him. "Look, I don't babysit."

"And I wouldn't leave my sister with some random guy I hardly know," I retorted, putting my hands on my hips. "I just need you to pay for a month at Tiny Sprouts. Once I get the job I can start paying myself."

"That's it? I pay for daycare and you'll help me win this thing?" I nodded. He rubbed his chin as he thought about it. "Fine."

My face stretched into a smile. "Okay. Cool. Can you do it today? After school?"

"I guess."

A weight lifted off my shoulders. The urge to hug him swelled in me, but I fought it back. I would be able to help mom with bills and everything. That's if Mrs. Grice would give me the job after what happened the other day.

* * *

"I'm sorry, you're doing what?" Bee caused a traffic jam in the middle of the hallway, holding up people's escape to freedom. 

School let out a few minutes ago and I left woodshop to find Bee and tell her that I was getting a ride with Nolan. A text would've just prompted a bunch of questioned that would be easier to answer in person.

I pulled her along and out the double doors that lead into the courtyard. "It's just for the scholarship."

"And this was Nolan's idea?"


"Nolan Chambers? The tall white kid that could pass as some cliched badboy? That Nolan Chambers?"

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