48. Amazing (2)

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The annoying sound of someone's phone alarm jolted me from my sleep. It took me blinking a few times to take in my surroundings and remember where I was.

My room. The heavy arm and warm body wrapped around me was Nolan. The giant heap of blankets and pillows on the floor was Bee and Gia. The alarm was mine.

After I told Nolan about my idea for a private prom we called Bee and Gia to help bring it to life. We spent the rest of the day hopping from store to store for decorations and calling catering companies for food and desserts.

We settled on an Enchanted Forest theme. I thought it would go perfectly with Alison's flower garden. We went all out on the theme. We had tree stumps to be used at tables courtesy of Mr. Barton. Gia had a life like backdrop of a forest printed out for our photo booth area. Bee ordered cupcakes that were iced to look like flowers.

More importantly, in all the chaos of getting everything ready, Nolan seemed to have forgotten why we were doing this in the first place. The way his face lit up as everything was coming together made it clear that this night wouldn't only be good for Alison, but for him as well.

We crashed in my room around three in the morning after spending hours on a slideshow of the Chambers' family photos and teasing Nolan about his naked baby pictures.

"Turn it off," Bee grumbled, pulling the covers over her head.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand, turning the alarm off through blurred vision. After rubbing my eyes awake I saw that it was twelve-forty.

"We have to get up."

"Five more minutes," Nolan mumbled, his warm breath tickling the back of my neck.

"Mr. Barton is delivering the tables in an hour," I pointed out.

"Then we get one more hour of sleep," Bee chimed in from the floor.

My bedroom door opened wide. Gia stood there, her arms full of fast food bags and coffee. Her face looked way to chipper. When did she wake up? How did she have so much energy after pulling an all-nighter like the rest of us?

"Wake up, people," she sang. "Those fairy lights aren't gonna hang themselves!"

"Gia, I love you, but I will smother you."

Ignoring her girlfriend's threat Gia set breakfast on the dresser and pulled out her phone. After a couple of taps and swipes a bubbly Taylor Swift song blasted through the speakers. "Let's go!"

I was about to point out that my mom might've been sleeping, before I remembered she and Rachel were at some spa for the weekend. Mom made it a point to keep busy during the weekends when Taylor was with Dad.

"Come here." Bee raised her arms out to Gia like she needed help getting up.

Gia took Bee's hands, ready to pull her up. Instead, Bee pulled her down to the their makeshift bed. Gia let out a shriek, giggling as Bee tried to put a pillow over her face. I'm pretty sure Bee was actually trying to smother her.

I turned my back on Bee's attempted murder, facing Nolan who still hasn't opened his eyes. He pulled me closer, nuzzling his face into my shoulder. I could stay like that forever. If there wasn't so much to do today.

"Are you ready for tonight?" I asked, my fingers absently playing in his hair.


"Are you just saying that because you're mad you have to get out of bed?"


I glanced over my shoulder to see that Gia successfully got Bee up from the floor and they were heading out, grabbing their half of the food in the process. I turned back to Nolan, a smirk on my face.

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