23. Flaws

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When Candi grabbed the hammer I thought for sure we were about to witness Alex McCoy get his head bashed in. Instead she pointed it at him, scaring him a little.

The boy's blue eyes widened as his gaze shifted between Candi and the hammer pressed against his chest. Students gathered around, phones out just in case anything crazy happened.

"Touch my hair again and I'll make it impossible for you to jack off." Candi's words were like venom, making him flinch. The class snickered.

"Y-you hear this, Mr. B?" Alex whimpered, his eyes never leaving the hammer.

"All I heard was that you don't know how to keep your hands to yourself." Mr. Barton's shrug made everyone but Alex laugh. "Candice, you don't want to ruin your nice sweater with brain matter. Put the hammer down."

She did as she was told and everyone settled back into their seats, preparing to watch a video on making chairs.

Mr. Barton used that time to work on stuff in his office. That meant no one was focused on the video and instead whispering about Halloween costumes.

Normally around that time of year Bee would be teasing people about her upcoming party. Due to her being grounded indefinitely there was no party. At least not a typical Bianca Sackler party. I'm sure someone, somewhere was having a party.

"What are you two dressing up as?" Hannah directed that question to Nolan and me.

The two of us shared a glance, unsure of how to answer. We never discussed costumes. Which was ridiculous considering Halloween was that Saturday.

"We don't know yet," I answered after a brief pause.

"Oh, you can do Mickey and Minnie," Candi suggest.

"Not if they want to win Cutest Halloween couple," Hannah countered. "Almost every couple is thinking of going as Mickey and Minnie. Or dressing up as Peter Pan and Tinkerbell."

"The school's having a costume competition?" I asked, suddenly intrigued. I didn't remember that being on the list of upcoming school events. When I looked over at Nolan his brow was furrowed I assumed he didn't either.

"Yeah, they added it after..." Hannah let her words trail off when Candi gave her a weird look.

"After what?" I asked, eyeing them curiously.

Hannah shifted in her seat, leaning in closer and lowering her voice. "It was Ana Lyons idea."

I leaned in as well, slightly amused she'd think I'd have a problem with her mentioning Ana. "Why are you whispering?"

Her dark eyes widened. "I just thought that since she's with your ex—"

An arm wrapped around my shoulders. I looked over, meeting Nolan's brown eyes. A slow smile crept across his face, making my heart rate spike.

"I don't think she's worried about her ex," he said confidently, his eyes never leaving mine.

He was right about that. However, I was worried about keeping sane for the next few months. Especially if he planned on looking at me the way he was now. Like I was the only person in the room, the only person that mattered.

Blood rushed to my cheeks. I bit down on the inside if my cheek to keep a grin from taking over my face.

"You two are cute," Candi cooed. "But not as cute as me and my boo will be."

I tore my eyes away from Nolan, turning to her, "What are your costumes?"

"Don't even bother asking," Hannah said. "She won't tell anyone."

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