51. No Pressure

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When Nolan said he would take a week off from school I assumed he'd spend the week in Bellcreek. Instead, he and his dad went up to some cabin on a lake. To make it even worse the cell service was spotty so I couldn't talk to him.

However, Nolan being out of town did give me a chance to catch up with Bee. We sat in her backyard on the lounge chairs by the pool. After yesterday's storm the sun was out, making March feel like June. So we treated the day like summer, wearing bikinis and sunglasses.

"I'm a little offended you only came over because your boyfriend's out of town," Bee said, not bothering to look up from her phone.

"Like you haven't been preoccupied with your girlfriend," I retorted, taking a sip of my diet Coke. "The phone works both ways."

She opened her mouth to deny it, then thought better of it. "Fine. Truce?"

"Truce." I giggled. "Where's Gia at anyways?"

"Cheer practice," she replied, turning back to her phone. "I would be there to watch, but I was banned."

I looked over at her, brows raised. "How'd you get banned from cheer practice?"

"Because the head captain was being a bitch and when I voiced my opinion she got all upset."

"Bee," I scolded. "I thought you were getting your anger issues under control."

"That head bitch made Gia run laps because she was two seconds late and then said she needed to lose a few pounds anyway." Bee's grip around her phone was so tight I was afraid she might break it in half.

It was cute how protective Bee was of her girlfriend. The situation itself sucked. How could the squad elect a tyrant as their leader?

"How did Gia react?"

She frowned. "Gia's the one who told me to leave. They all just bow down to Farrah. It's sickening."

"Wait, Farrah Grice?" I wasn't at all surprised, honestly.

"You know her?" Bee sat up in her lounge chair, giving me her undivided attention. "Has she said anything to you?"

I shrugged a shoulder. I thought I was done with the Grice twins. "We had a couple of run-ins. Nothing serious."

"Why didn't you tell me? I could've—"

"Gotten into trouble," I pointed out. "Or expelled, having your whole life set back over an insecure girl who doesn't know how to handle her feelings."

"Yo know what, you're right." She laid back on the chair, picking up her phone once more. "Besides, we only have a few months left of high school. Then it's goodbye to bitchy head cheerleaders and cafeteria food and hello to acting classes."

"Acting classes? You're mom's allowing you to take them?" Rachel had been so adamant on Bee finding a practical career.

"It took some comprise," she said. "She's letting me defer for a year to pursue acting. But if nothing pans out it's off to college." She didn't seem too thrilled about that last part.

"You're Pizza Party Girl #2, you got this." I reached over, giving her knee a reassuring squeeze. "Just don't forget me out there in Hollywood."

"You know I won't," she said, smiling. "But promise me that if I ever get desperate enough to sign up for reality tv you'll put me out of my misery."

* * *

Focusing on homework was difficult. I kept checking my phone for a message from Nolan that wouldn't be there. Why'd he have to disappear into the middle of nowhere?

There was a knock on my door frame. I turned to see Mom holding a tired looking Taylor.

"We just came to say goodnight." She stepped into my room, leaning Taylor down so she could give me a slobbery kiss on the cheek.

"Good night, Tay," I said, tickling her neck.

Mom didn't turn to leave right away, her eyes focused on the screen of my laptop. "What's that you're looking at?

"Oh, just some summer art programs," I answered, clicking off the web browser.

"In Rhode Island?"

We hadn't discussed me going away for the summer. As amazing as spending the summer away to work on my art was, I hated the idea of leaving Mom and Taylor alone. I was trying to take Nolan's advice and be a little more selfish, but the guilt was still hard to shake.

"Maybe. I don't know. I'm just sending out applications," I told her, trying to brush the whole thing off. "I probably won't get in to any."

"Don't sale yourself short, Jade. I've seen those paintings you keep in your closet."

She's been going through my things? That meant she's seen those borderline stalker painting I've done of Nolan. God, what else has she seen?

"Don't look at me like that. If you keep borrowing my clothes without returning them I'm going to have to keep coming in here to get them."

"Oh." I smiled sheepishly at her.

"You're really good," she continued. "And I'm not saying that. I might need you to paint me some things for my home office."

"What home office?"

She glanced around the room. "The one you're sitting in."

My jaw fell open. "You're not turning my room into an office!"

She ignored me, pointing to a random corner. "The desk can go over there and I can put a couch—"

"Go put your kid in her crib." I needed her to stop fantasizing about my room. Here I was worried about leaving her alone and she already made plans for my empty room.

She looked down at Taylor who was fast asleep against her chest. "You need to go to bed, too. You're not skipping school again."

"You knew about that?" When she didn't say anything yesterday I assumed the school didn't call.

"Ms. Coleman said she saw you and that boyfriend of yours sneaking into the house in the middle of the day."

Of course. Why couldn't Ms. Coleman sit and watch soap operas in the evening like other people her age?

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because in a few months you'll be at college. I won't be there to keep you in check. So, to keep myself from worrying to death I'm trusting you to make smart decisions," she told me, readjusting Taylor in her arms. "I'm assuming you had a good reason for skipping."


She held her hand up to stop me. "I don't need to hear it. Just as long as the reason made sense to you and you didn't skip just because."

I blinked, unable to believe that really happened. I skipped school, had a boy over unsupervised. And I wasn't in trouble? The urge to question it came up, but I quickly suppressed it. "Okay." Was all I said.

She gave me a kiss goodnight then took Taylor to her nursery. I turned back to the math problems on my desk, deciding they could wait until morning. Just as I was I climbed into bed my phone chimed. I leapt for it, hoping it was Nolan.

It was Bee. Did you see the polls?

What polls? I messaged back.

On Bellcreek Baes, she replied.

They posted polls asking who people would vote for.

You and Nolan are in second place.

Second? That was higher than I thought it'd be. Especially with Nolan being M.I.A. recently. I wondered if people voted for us because of his mom. He'd hate that.

My phone chimed again. Another text from Bee. A message I definitely didn't need before bed. First place is Deshaun and Ana.

How did I not even know they were in the running? To be fair my mind had been elsewhere lately. Now all I had to do was beat out my ex who everyone thought I cheated on. All while my current boyfriend was on vacation. No pressure.

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