11. Execution part 2*edited*

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"Try touching my sister and your head will fly off that instant....or perhaps you prefer dying here and now?" what a terrifying blood lust....it's making even me shiver.

Onii-chan! Calm down...all of you.....his words are nothing more than rubbish so don't take it to heart or else well he would look like the victim here.


No buts Carson and that goes to you two as well. I know you guys feel like killing someone but not yet. Understand?

Understood....(all) They sound disappointed but it's not the time to spoil them.

Good. Let's get back to business.

"Since I'm gonna die anyways might as well reveal all the secrets that is going to ruin all of you!!"

Molly's not dead yet? Such will power....I'm impressed. Well normally people won't be able to even speak, well given up to speak is more accurate I guess. Without me knowing my mouth curved up into a smile.

" Hehehe~ ruin us? You surely jest. From what I know you only know how to spout nonsense and try to pick fights that you can't win. So, what is it that you know?" I ask tilting my head and putting one finger on my chin.

"Three of the families with highest rank are decedents of ice elves, void fairies and the demon king"

Oh? I see she has throughly play that shitty otome game....once the capture targets trust the heroine they told her that.

"Hehehehe~ you surely jest. And what prove do you have for us to believe that we are what you said? We're not in a fairy tale you know?"

"Your hair colour and eye colour. The royal family are decedents of the demon king, Diamonda family are ice elves and finally the Maverick family are void faries."

"Woah~such a vivid imagination. I wouldn't have such a wonderful imagination if I were in the same position as you. Maybe you're going crazy? But aren't demon kings suppose to have black hair though? " I tilted my head acting confused

I faced her and mouth 'you will never win,why not give up? I'll make it less painful too."

She gritted her teeth. She's just giving me so many opportunities to humiliated her....how foolish. I won't let her off after trying to assassinate papa. Anyone who dares touch my family will directly get a ride to hell.

"Are there stones in your mouth? Even if it's your last day.......do you have a hobby of eating rocks?" I asked with a worried tone. Holding in the grin that is threatening to appear on my face

"You whore!!"

"*sniff* you hate me so much? I understand that you have a crush on my friends....so much that you even call me to stay away from them at my birthday.....but...." I say aloud enough for most people to hear. I know it's dramatic but it's quite amusing...I'll be the bitch you want me to be and make you regret, fufu~

In my past life, in order to survive I trained this skill so many times. Guess it's worth it. Even if some didn't hear me, news spread wilder than fire. It'll reach everyone in a few minutes.

What will you do, Molly dear? The crowd is whispering, you have no way to escape. Nobles sure like to gossip and it's a great advantage for me. The condemed should never piss of the executioner.

"Finish her off immediately. " Carson spoke


Oh? She's finally dead. She was so persistent then. Welp, this will also serve as a warning to those who are planning to oppose the three family.

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