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"Xavier, your sister was about to chase an assassin on her own." he said as he turn back to me with a smirk

He changed the topic that easily? And what the hell is that smirk for?

"Then I'll leave it to you Xavier, your sister's punishment that is. I think I have done my part rather nicely. I'll be leaving, see you."Zayden said leaving after giving Nii-chan his usual closed-eye smile

It is not over yet, Angel~ Zayden mind-linked

I screwed up. I underestimated him, he never told me that he can do lip reading. I guess I am still no match for him,even when we play chess he always win. What excuse should I come up with?

Oh wait, I need to worry about Nii-chan here. He looks mad, very mad. Is he mad at me? That's a first...he has never gotten mad at anything I did....I'll try explaining

"The assassins won't be a challenge anyways. I know I can win them, that's why I though I'll just get them on my own...you guys seem busy lately. I want to-" I tried to explain but was cut off

" Help? Angel why don't you get it? We know you are capable of handling yourself but what if something like today happens and you passed out again?"

"That won't happ-"

" You don't know that!" Nii-chan yelled at me...that was a first...he always explained things slowly to me in a warm tone when I don't understand

"Please just rely on us even if it's just a little..I'm your big brother. Didn't we promise no secrets? You think you can hide the bloodstain?"

My eyes widened. How? I was so careful...If I stained my dress I would always cover it with a pillow before opening the door... I cleaned the place that has blood with magic. It should've removed both the stain and odor...

" Nii-chan, girls have period. Like today I am on my pe-" I hope this excuse works

"What are trying to hide from us so desperately? I know what date you start and end. You don't eat cold food during your period but the blood-stain is there everyday!"

It can't be. Nii-chan can use that. A magic that allow one to see something in it's original form before magic is used, Reverso. But that magic needs a lot of commands, even I had a hard time with it.

He knew I am bad at cleaning so I would've used magic. Was that the reason? 

"Nii-chan if you guys knew that it is something that I want to hide, then just pretend you know nothing. It is easier for me that way. About chasing the assassins alone,I apologize but this is something I must to do." I subconsciously clench my fist

" We did. We did pretend because we felt like this is something you need to do alone. But what you said today, it's as if you are sacrificing your life for us. Angel, if you weren't here with me, I would rather just die."

I flinched at Nii-chan's words. He got it correct but thank god it was his assumption.

"I'm sorry. I trust you guys very much. Please just believe that.Also Nii-chan , I don't know when will I die but if I do I want you to live. That also goes for the others. Just live, live for my sake too."

Holding back my tears is harder than i thought. The thought of not seeing them still scares me to this very day. No matter how much I prepare, it still haunts me...why? It will probably be like that until I die .

"What are you saying, we are immortals aren't we?" his voice is cracking, it pains me...

This is all I can reveal for now...this will hurt them but if they know the whole truth they would stop me from going to war. That won't do. Time will reveal the rest of the truth to them anyways. Though it will hurt them...

"Nii-chan you guys may be immortal but that doesn't include me. I've been coughing a little blood because my mortal body needs to adjust to the tremendous amount of mana since I am young. 

 It is a side effect, it doesn't hurt or anything and it will disappear after I get older." I said giving him a smile I forced out.

Ouch, my hands are bleeding because I was clenching so hard. The blood is dripping to the floor...

"T-that can't be... Angel you would leave me one day?"

"Yes, hehe. Nii-chan don't look so sad , it's not like I am dying tomorrow." I joked to lighten the mood.

"You boys have to support each other when I am gone okay? You guys should come out too, I know you are all there. Your emotions are showing, I can sense you guys easily" I giggled

Why do they all look so hurt? If this continues I might just let my tears out. I am the one dying here and I have to laugh. They are too silent, do I have to be the one to do all the speaking?

"It's not bad as you think. We still have years ahead so let's just appreciate the moments we have together. I want to have happy memories with you guys so stop being so sulky." I smiled as warmly as possible

"Look I don't want to leave any of you either. It's not my choice, this is fate. Don't take it out on the goddess either. Just, let's just be together as much as we can from now on, hmm? Keep this a secret from the adults nee~well they are mortals too so this is normal huh?"

Can they just reply me? I'm getting awkward here.

"Angel, why didn't you tell us earlier?" Noah asked in a dangerously low voice

"Well because I know how you would react. See, like now. *Sigh*It really isn't that bad. Cheer up."

If you guys knew I am going to die in a few more years the world would be in danger. And here I thought they wouldn't overreact.

"You don't understand! You mean too much to us." Carson's voice cracked, so he is crying.

They are all hanging their heads down. Are those tears dripping to the ground? It only takes this much for them to cry? I guess I have no rights to say that. I would cry too if I was in theirs position.

 I am trying very hard to hold back my tears. Don't make this hard for me.....

"You guys mean very much to me too.I mean it. If I were to lose any of you I might not stay sane. That's why this is a selfish request of mine. I'm sorry so won't you guys stop looking at the ground? Or is the ground prettier than me?" I hummed

They finally lifted their head. The way they look pains me. My heart is throbbing, it hurts. I want them to be happy. 

"That's more like it. Today I shall have all of you to promise me that you will be happy. There is no room for argument. 

A smile makes you guys more handsome you know? Now let's go back and get changed. We have to take some revenge." I smiled facing them

I turned my back against them and walk towards the direction of the mansion.

*sigh* Now see what you guys have done. Now I'm also crying, idiots.

What A Cliché....Reincarnated Into The Villainess (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now