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*knock knock*

Who could it be this late? I don't wanna open my eyes...why can't this random person let me sleep....

It sounds like it's from the window...the boys won't use that, a thief won't be stupid enough to knock though..maybe this thief is just an idiot. Well better safe than sorry....

Opening my eyes...I see a blurry figure of a fairly short girl but she's.....umm....she has a big figure especially at the stomach part....I blink a few more times to get a clearer view...well I have a skill to see in the dark but it's more like cat vision so it's all green.....

"*yawn* what do you want so late,Elly...I need sleep you know?" I said lazily as I snuggled against my pillow

"You! You embarrassed me at today's tea party and you stole my fiancé! You....you...how dare you! Do you not know who I am......."

What is she blabbering about? I'm just sleepy....I want to sleep. I have to wake up at 5 in the morning for training and it's already twelve. Damn, this chick is persistent on Carson. Ah~ I can't use informal language even in my thought, that was a blunder of mine....

Being lady like is annoying....no one will know anyways....it's time to stop this nonsense blabbering girl huh...I want to sleep...let's settle this quickly

"Can you stop?*yawn*I only listen to the first few sentences and I need to correct you about it. First, you tried to embarrass me first. I didn't start it. Second , Carson was never your fiancé to begin with....I didn't steal him. I met him when I was just five....not only him, all of them. They are all precious people dear to me we don't have that type of relationship you think of. And I have a higher status than you even though I don't want to brag.Can you let me sleep now?"

"I don't get what they see in you?! What part of me is inferior to you?! You know what do me a favour and just die!" She screech and fire a tiny little fire ball at me....

Right fire is a common element it could be strong if the user have sufficient mana and good at controlling it.

In this case blocking the fire ball was too easy .....all I ask her is to let me sleep.....and she tells me to die without answering my question.....I want to go back to sleep...I was finally going to taste the giant chocolate cake....

"Are you done yet?*yawn*"

"Don't ignore me! How could you dodge my powerful attack!"

Really? Ughh, I can't take this anymore...if this goes on I might freeze her to death...my patience is ticking away...

Teleport to my room now...your self-claimed fiancé is here and I can't sleep. I mind link Carson

After a few seconds, I feel a presence behind me as the bed sunk

"Miss me already?" Carson whispers into my ear

"Don't joke around, I want to sleep.....I'll be letting you .....deal with her.....night."

I lay my head on Carson's lap and doze off but before that I feel him patting my head which he knows soothes me...

"Night" was the last thing I heard....

Carson POV

She looks so peaceful and cute when she's sleeping. I can't help but smile looking at her. Now back to business....the guys should be arriving when I give the signal but they asked me to deal with her a little first.....

Well we heard the whole conversation through the watch the goddess gave us....Angel doesn't seemed sad or anything.....guess she's just tired but the watch detected it anyways.....

"What do you want with Angel?" I ask the girl before me....the warmth in my voice disappeared without a trace but playing with Angel's hair I can't help but smile to my self

"Why?! What part of me is inferior to her?!"

"Hmm~everything of course. She's prettier than you,has a better personality than you,more talented than you etc...."

That should be enough to shut her up. She wants to compare to Angel? That's impossible....even if she catches up to Angel in another....I don't know, a billion years, nah, forever...Angel at that time will already improve to another level. Heck, Elly can't even live that long....

She looks dumbfounded...well she asked for it anyways.....it's about time huh....

Send them in


The guard came in ....they will take care of her....wanting to kill Angel is a big crime....she is the future queen of this country and an important person to a lot of people including me and the guys .

That Elly girl won't be executed yet but she will be punished severely until she can be executed. I casted some magic so Angel can sleep even when that girl is shouting while the guards hold her down.

"She looks so peaceful sleeping ." (Zayden)

"Indeed, she needs to be more on guard though*sigh*"(Noah)

"I think she is cute as she is." Xavier comments as he chuckle

"You siscon...well we are no different though" as we all chuckled

I felt Angel shift on my legs...as she slowly gets up

"*yawn* is she dealt with?" As she rubs her eyes cutely

"Yes,our angel"(Noah)

"Hmm~you guys are here too.....*yawn* guess you learnt not to add 'little' anymore." She giggles as we laugh along with her

"Are you guys going to sleep in my room tonight?"

"Like always Angel" we reply with a smile

Since the bed is very big...well she spends most of her free time rolling around the bed and sleep so the duke made this bed extremely big...and I mean a quarter of the room and this room is huge .....well all of our rooms are big but she has the biggest bed so we usually have sleep overs in her room.

Ours are filled with other things....hers is just a big bed, a study table with bookshelves.  With a walk in closet and a giant bathroom. The duke does spoils his children...

"I guess she can't claim herself as your fiancée anymore....I want huggies...." Angel whines

Well, she planned the whole thing though. As we give her our good night hug , Angel dozes off again.....the guys and I can't help but chuckle...how can she fall back to sleep so fast? How cute....

And we can't let this cutie be taken away from us or we'll be troubled.... so we will protect her even if it means dirtying our hands.....we swear.

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