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Time sure does pass by fast....I'm already nine years old! A lot happened these past few years. Some are quite pleasant for me but not really for the boys but we all have our fun times. I also met a new friend and he surprisingly has the same situation as us.

I remember kicking them at where it hurts most for them.....well they had it coming. They stole my dessert even when they know I will get pissed off.

After kicking them....well, I'll leave it to your imagination but seriously, their expressions were priceless and the view of them rolling on the ground in pain is just hilarious. I still remember that day like it was yesterday.

I realized that other boys who I met at parties were afraid to talk to me....I wonder why though. Do I look weird? They look horrified...Of course, my brother and friends always stand behind me, I thought it was because of them but when I turned around they were smiling ...so I guess not...

How about girls that I met? They don't really be friends with me for you know...me. They always ask about onii-chan's preference in women and sometimes they ask about Carson. Well I met a few nice ones but the ones with ulterior motives still approach me.

They don't dare to ask about Zayden since he is my fiancé. They know when not to cross the line....so they are smarter than I thought. But the questions that they ask...I had a difficulty answering them since even I, myself don't know my brother and Carson's preferences. When I ask, they just change the subject or say it's me. So they're probably joking around.

I wonder why those cute and innocent girls will be interested in them. I pity them. Sure my brother and my friends are good looking but their personality at public places are fake.

My brother is just straight up a sisco, Carson is a sadist ....so is Zayden. Well all of us have our sadistic side I guess. Plus , when people think they are talking about political things....they're actually talking about things concerning me which I always 'kindly' ask them to stop.

I just can't tell those innocent girls...I feel like I'll destroy their fantasy. Well they should know if they happen to be together with one. So meh~ well I'm at Marquis Dellan's estate for his second daughter's tea party.

Even though this is a modern era....I guess tea party is a must have in games....how troublesome ~ If Mama didn't force me to come.....I'll be lazing in bed now. Ahh~ I miss my fluffy bed. The training got me tired and the conversation isn't exactly interesting.

"Angelica-sama , I saw Lord Xavier escorted you to last week's party.You two were like siblings that stepped out from fairy tales." Ela, the daughter of the Marquis said.

"Why thank you. I appreciate your compliment but you do not need to exaggerate. My brother may be top notch in his look but I ,on the other hand is not really special ."

"Angelica-sama is so humble even though you are a rare beauty. You are my role model." The others nodded in agreement.

Since all of you are so cute, I might as well go along with it~ I've never gotten time to actually spend time with girls my age before so this is all so new for me.

"My, you're making me flustered~" I cupped my face in my hands for more drama.

Somebody removed my hands from my face and hugged me. I looked up and see onii-chan. He came to ruin the fun I was having......those girls were quite cute. I pouted but making sure only onii-chan can see me.

"Why are you here, brother?" I asked with the 'please go away' smile.

The other girls were squealing. I see, nii-chan is still hugging me behind my seat. Well, he's quite clingy today. He's like that usually but that's only when we're with Zayden and the others or alone.

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