chapter 14

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Growling, loud and ferocious growling was all he heard upon waking. He knew that his dream of seeing his dad again had been too good to be true. It was just another way for Voldemort to torture make his life a living hell. For a minute there he had thought for sure that he was safe in his dad's arms again, but the growling only proved that he was still being held by Voldemort and the werewolves were fighting again.

For that short time that he had been hallucinating and seeing and hearing his dad, it had been amazing. His dad had said that he loved him and that he was going to take him home and would always protect him. He should have known right then and there that it had been a trick, his family no longer loved him and had moved away without him.

The pain of knowing that none of it had been true hurt worse than any other of Voldemort's torture methods. Even though he was completely broken, the bastard just wouldn't let him die. He no longer had anything left to live for, he just wanted it all to end.

He missed his dad and the rest of the family so much that it tore at his heart. He would happily take a hundred of Voldemort's crucios if he could just see them one last time. Then he would let old snake face hold him under the curse until he died. Thinking about his family was like a double edged sword. On one side he had all these amazing and wonderful memories of the love they had given him, but on the other side he had the pain and heartache of them abandoning him, of them leaving him alone once again.

A loud thump like a body hitting something hard made him jump. He didn't want to open his eyes to see what was going on, he didn't want to lose the image of his dad's face and warm caring eyes. He knew that his dad's face would be replaced with Greyback's cold leering eyes, fouled rotting teeth and long hair matted with blood...his blood.

It had to be the wolves that were in his cell this time, that's the only thing that would explain all the growling. Once again they were fighting over who would get to play with him first, pointless if you asked him, Greyback himself was always first. The Death Eater were creative with their torture methods and magic use, but the wolves were by far the worst. They loved to use their hands, claws, and teeth and they loved getting covered in his blood.

He wished that they would just let him die already. Really, was it too much to ask after all this time? He just wanted to be with his biological parents and Sirius again. Every time that he felt himself finally passing, someone would come and force potions down his throat and start casting healing spells on him.

He desperately wanted to apologize to Sirius for getting him killed. If he hadn't been selfish and wanted to see his family one last time than Sirius would still be alive right now and Remus wouldn't hate him for getting his mate killed. The werewolf couldn't even look at him let alone talk to him.

He honestly didn't mean for it to happen, he didn't know that Sirius would notice him missing and panic. Maybe he should have told him that Severus was taking him to America, he was just scared that news would travel back to Dumbledore and he would forbid him to go.

Dumbledore had refused to give him the details of his godfather's death, he just said that Dementors had cornered Sirius while he was looking for him and sucked his soul out. He made it perfectly clear that his godfather's death had been his fault, after all, he had forbidden him from contacting his family or even leaving the castle without him.

The man had been so upset with him that he had refused to let him attend Sirius' funeral, despite him breaking down in tears and begging. He had wanted to pay his respects and apologize to him for getting him kissed. He also wanted to let him know how much he meant to him and how much he loved him. Deep down he knew Dumbledore's refusal had nothing to do with his safety, his headmaster had been punishing him for his disobedience.

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