chapter 21

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Jasper and Alice were sitting in Harry's room. Jasper was flipping through a dusty old tome trying to find anything that could help Harry. He didn't want to leave Harry today, since last nights events Harry had been closed off and distant. Alice was rambling on to him about old times, but Harry wasn't listening.

Harry was laying in bed staring out the window. He was happy to no longer have the IV sticking in his arm, he just wished his arm didn't throb from where it tore out. For a brief moment, a wonderfully brief moment yesterday, he thought maybe everything was going to be ok. He knew he still had a lot to overcome but he had his family back, along with Snape, Draco and a distant relative of Sirius', Jacob. But after last night he knew things would never get better, he was to damaged.

Harry closed his eyes trying to block out the nightmare from last night that was playing on a continuous loop in his head. How was he ever going to move on after everything he had been through? What really made him sick, made him wish that the wolf had finished what it had started, was the fact that he knew Edward saw. He knew his shields crashed last night and that Edward saw what Voldemort did to him,, everything. Edward now knew how dirty and disgusting he was. That had to be the reason why everyone had visited him since he woke yesterday,,, except Edward. He knew Edward couldn't look at him, didn't want to be in the same room with someone as horrible and filthy as him.

Jasper looked up sharply when he felt a strong feeling of self-loathing coming from Harry.

" Harry please look at me." Jasper asked.

Harry continued to stare out the window despite hearing Jasper calling his name. Tears slowly started to make their way down his face. He hated the fact that he was letting Voldemort and his Death Eaters win. Snape had explained last night how they found Voldemort and his followers dead, and how he was somehow responsible. He didn't know if he should be horrified that he supposedly killed all those people or livid that he couldn't bask in the memory of ridding the world of such abominable creatures.

Jasper was trying to counteract what Harry was feeling but it wasn't working. Harry was feeling a deep hatred and disgust for himself, and he couldn't figure out why. Seeing Harry shiver Jasper stood up to wrap an extra blanket around his thin shoulders.

" Harry, I'm going to wrap an extra blanket around you, ok?"

Harry still didn't respond so Jasper slowly reached over to drape the blanket over him. The touch of Jaspers hand on his shoulder shocked Harry from his thoughts.

" N-o-oo, p-pl-ee-ase" Screamed Harry cowering away from Jasper.

Jasper quickly stepped away from Harry dropping the blanket. Harry had curled up into the tightest ball he could with the cast still on his leg, crying.

Jasper stood staring at Harry for a few minutes lost in thought " Alice, could you go tell Rosalie I need her and please remain down there?" asked Jasper turning to his mate.

Alice gave Jasper a hard look before nodding her head and walking away. She had an idea of what Jasper was planning and she prayed it didn't back fire on him. She really hated not being able to see where Harry was concerned.

-a- a- -a- -a- -a- -a- -a- -a- -a- -a- -a-

Carlisle, Esme, Emmett and Rosalie were all gathered around the table surrounded by stacks of books and old parchments. Ever since Severus left 2 hours ago with Edward, Jacob and Draco, they had been nonstop researching.

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