chapter 27

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Molly Weasley was finishing up the dinner dishes when her floo activated, and out stepped Professor Dumbledore along with a stranger wearing a long cloak with a hood.

" Headmaster, how wonderful to see you. You just missed dinner, can I get you anything?" Molly was trying not to stare at the mystery man, but she was very curious.

" No thank you Molly, I have come to talk you and Ronald about tomorrow." Dumbledore gave her a kind grandfatherly smile.

" Oh, yes poor Harry. We really need to bring him home where I can properly look after him. The poor thing must be terrified with those vampires and Slytherins. What does a vampire know about properly feeding a growing boy? My Ronald has been worried to death about his bonded."

Molly looked behind Dumbledore when she thought she heard a growl come from the mystery man. " Right, I will just run and get Ronnie."

Molly rushed out of the kitchen to retrieve her son from his room. He was hoping to have had a place of his own by now, but since he could not yet access the Potter vaults, he had to remain here. She herself couldn't wait to get her hands on some of that Potter and Black fortune.

Dumbledore turned to Sirius and motioned for him to take a seat. He was surprised at how easy it was to imperious Sirius. He figured with Sirius' Auror training and Black upbringing that he would have put up more of a fight. Years in Azkaban must have really messed with the mans head, weakening him.

Sirius took the offered seat having to bite back a growl. He wanted nothing more then to wrap his hands around Dumbledore's neck and squeeze the life out of him. Dumbledore thought him weak and easily controlled but he knew what was going on; he was able to throw off the imperious curse as soon as the old fool cast it.

Sirius had to pretend to be cursed in order to get away and save Harry. Sirius knew he would have never gotten free of those damn kennels if he didn't.

Sirius almost had a heart attack when he looked out to the fields that first day and spotted a very familiar stag. He just sat there in his kennel frozen, staring at the ghost of his dead best friend. There was no way that was truly James Potter. But if Dumbledore was crazy enough to trap him in his animagus form what's to say he didn't do the same to James.

He was scared to get the stags attention, he was scared it was just a delusional dream and that it was just an ordinary deer. Finally after an hour of observing and wrestling with himself, Padfoot started barking. Instantly the deer threw his head up in the air and swung his massive antlered head in his direction. Rearing up on its hind legs the stag tore through the field in his direction.

Sirius almost passed out, it had to be James. All these years James had been trapped here as a stag. How sick could a person be to do such a horrific thing, and why? Why had Dumbledore did this to them?

The stag came to a skidding halt right in front of his kennel. Dear Merlin it was James, he would recognize him anywhere. The stag started pawing and tossing its head in the air. He tried using his antlers to free Padfoot from the cage, but Dumbledores magic was to strong. Finally, the stag gave up and laid down in front of the kennel with his muzzle through the fence. Padfoot laid in front of the stag he had despaired of ever seeing again, and touched his muzzle to the stags. They just laid there staring into each other eyes. James was still in there, trapped inside the stag. How did James survive here for so long? The pain he must have felt knowing that his precious son was out there, and he couldn't get to him.

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