chapter 48

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Corin bowed to her Lord Aro. "I'm sorry master, but my powers aren't having that much of an effect on him. I can feel a slight shift, but it's hardly noticeable." Corin held her breath waiting to be punished.

Aro was pacing his chambers in agitation. Since telling his 'little one' that his family was dead a week ago, the boy had practically been catatonic. To make matters worse, the damn Cullen's were in his city. How dare they come to his city and demand an audience. He was greatly disturbed to hear that the Cullen's were accompanied by one of the most powerful demons, Belial. With a growl, Aro stalked past Corin and exited his chambers and headed to the throne room.

Corin released the unneeded breath she had been holding, she was lucky to escape punishment for failing her Lord. Her powers had never failed her in the past, the boy was like nothing she had ever encountered before. She expected the reason she didn't get punished was because Aro's powers didn't work on the boy either.

Aro wrenched open the doors to the throne room causing them to splinter against the wall. Without glancing at those in attendance he made his way to his throne and took his seat.

"Brother, how goes your taming of the pregnant boy?" asked a bored Caius. He would never admit it, but he was enjoying seeing Aro so flustered.

Aro slammed his hands down on the arms of his throne and glared at his brother, "My 'little one' is the same, but he will come around. Whatever creature he is, he can throw off Corin's powers." Aro started drumming his fingers on the arms of his chair. "I am concerned that if he doesn't eat soon, then he will lose the child."

"Well that will be good won't it? Without the child growing inside him you will be able to turn him sooner." added Caius, inspecting his finger nails.

Aro growled. "No it will not be good!" he snapped. "If the boy loses his child then I will never be able to win him over."

"Your current method of winning him over, is killing him." said Marcus, speaking up for the first time. He would hate to see the boy lose his babe. Aro was wrong to take and try to claim the boy as his own. His bond to his mates and family were the strongest that he had ever seen. "Brother, I can sense that there is no way that you will be able to win him over. His ties to his family and mates are too powerful. He will die for what you have done."

Aro's eye twitched in irritation, he hated to be told that he couldn't do something.

"The Cullen's have gained powerful allies, I think it unwise to provoke them farther." Marcus said softly.

Caius snorted. "There is none more powerful then us. I say we destroy all the Cullen's, and their allies.

"Don't be ridicules brother. Yes we can kill the Cullen's, but we can't kill the demon that is with them. It would be suicide to try to go up against a demon as powerful as the great Belial." said Marcus.

Aro stood up in a rage and threw his throne across the room, just missing some of his loyal guards. "I will not give up my boy!" he bellowed. "We are safe behind the castle walls. Not even Lucifer could get past our wards."

"So we just sit here, a prisoner in our own home?" asked Marcus. "How are we supposed to hunt?"

Aro raked his fingers through his hair, Marcus had a point, they couldn't just sit here for eternity. "I will get Chelsea, she can break the boy's bond to his mates and family." He was reluctant to sever the bond before the child was born. He was certain that severing the bond would cause his 'little one' to lose his child. He was getting desperate, and if the boy continued on as he was then he was going to lose the child anyway.

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