chapter 42

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Jasper stood in the entrance to his bedroom shaking his head in exasperation. " Harry, what are you doing?" His little angel brother was laying in the middle of his bedroom floor on his stomach, with his wings spread out, and hair loose cascading down his back. Jasper chuckled when his brother mumbled something with his face pressed into the floor. " Harry, I may have excellent hearing, but I can't understand you when you are face down on my floor."

Harry lifted his head and blew a loose strand of hair out of his face. " I said, my mates won't let me in my sunroom until my birthday tomorrow. Your bedroom floor is the best in the house for soaking up sun."

Jasper looked at his brother then out the large window. " Harry, you do realize that it is raining, don't you?"

Harry sighed then let his head fall back on the floor. " I'm fantasizing." mumbled Harry.

Jasper laughed at his brother. Harry had come a long way since Carlisle brought him home. He went from being scared of his own shadow and terrified of touch, to fully mated to three mates and happy. Harry did still have a lot of issues with leaving the house. Despite the aquarium trip being a huge success, Harry had only ventured outside once and that was when he saw a kitten alone in the woods from his bedroom window. Harry had quickly ran outside, scooped up the kitten and ran back in. Despite Jacobs grumbling and growling, the kitten was still living comfortably in the house. Severus had spent fifteen minutes lecturing Harry on the dangers of picking up unknown animals, stating that it could have been an anamagious or had a portkey on it. James then spent another fifteen minutes comforting his distressed and crying son.

Everybody had been on red alert the past few weeks. George had spotted Hermione secretly meeting an unknown vampire in Knockturn Alley. After Ginny's warning, they were worried that Hermione was plotting to hurt Harry. So far they had managed to keep their concerns from Harry. Harry was healing so well, they were afraid if he knew about Hermione then he would have a major set back.

" I thought you would like to know that Jacob has just been kicked out of your sunroom too." Jasper had come past the sunroom to hear the three mates arguing and Draco shoving Jacob out the door, then sealing it.

Harry quickly sat up. " Really?" Harry jumped to his feet, gave Jasper a kiss on the cheek and took off to find his largest mate. Harry hadn't seen much of Jacob the last few weeks. With Paul in England with the twins, Jacob had taken on extra patrols for the pack. When Jacob wasn't patrolling he was working in his garage doing repairs for other people. Even though Harry was missing his wolfish mate he wasn't going to complain. Jacob was so proud of himself for having his own car repair shop.

Harry was able to track Jacob down in the kitchen rooting through the fridge. Grinning, Harry snuck up behind Jacob and wrapped his arms around him. " Missed you." said Harry into Jacobs back.

Jacob spun around and embraced his little imprint. " You missed me? I haven't been gone." Jacob felt bad that he hadn't been around much. He knew Harry had been missing him but he had just been so busy lately. His garage had really taken off and he had even had to hire two extra mechanics. When he wasn't in the garage he was patrolling. He was concerned about his imprints safety. He couldn't sleep at night until he knew that there wasn't somebody lurking out in the woods ready to snatch Harry.

Harry hummed into Jacobs large, musclier chest. " You leave before I get up and don't come home until after I'm asleep. Are you mad at me?"

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