chapter 43

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Harry was now going on his third week of getting sick in the mornings, and now even at random times during the day. He knew that he should go to his athair or father but he didn't want everyone making a fuss. He had taken to wearing glamours so he could hide his weight loss, pale, sickly skin and dark bags under his eyes. He knew that his mates were starting to get concerned because of his lack of wanting sex. He just hadn't been in the mood since the vomiting started. All he wanted to do was sleep, sleep and then sleep some more. And that was what he was currently doing, sleeping in his sunroom, with his kitten snuggled into a wing.

" There is something wrong with him." whispered Edward. Edward, Draco and Jake were standing silently in Harry's sunroom, watching him sleep,,,, again. For the past month that was all Harry did. He would wake up, shower, go straight to his sunroom, sleep until noon, eat something small, sleep until dinner, eat a small dinner, then go to bed.

" I agree, all he does is sleep. He tries to hide it but he is hardly eating anything." said Jacob, looking at his mate with concern.

" I know a basic diagnostic scan, I can scan him while he is sleeping to see if he is sick." offered Draco. At seeing the other two nod, Draco waved his wand and performed the scan. Draco frowned at the results. " Other then being dehydrated, and a bit underweight, Harry is perfectly healthy."

" You said is was just a basic scan, could it miss something major?" asked Edward.

" No, if there was something to worry about, then my scan would have picked it up. Maybe he is just healing from everything that has happened to him the past few years. For the first time he feels safe, so he is letting his body shut down to heal." said Draco.

" That makes sense." said Jacob. " Still, if Harry is still acting off when Severus and James' get back, we should tell them our concerns." Severus and James had went back to England close to two weeks ago to settle the Potter accounts, and to pack up all their belongings.

" I agree." said Edward sighing. He really wished he could read his mates mind to find out what was going on.

Harry stretched out, fluttering his wings, and disturbing the sleeping kitten. Opening his eyes, he smiled at his three mates. " Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Harry asked while yawning.

" We are worried about you Harry. Is everything alright?" asked Draco, kneeling down in front of Harry.

Harry smiled at Draco, then gave him a kiss. " I'm fine Draco. Why is something wrong?" Harry knew that his mates were getting suspicious, he was going to have to do something to throw them off the trail.

" Harry, all you do is sleep. Are you feeling ok?" asked Edward.

Harry crawled into Edwards lap and snuggled into him. " I'm fine Edward, just been tired. I think everything has finally caught up with me. I went years not being able to sleep because of nightmares, now I have you three to keep the nightmares away and I can finally rest." Harry grabbed Edward face and pulled him down for a kiss. Harry moaned when Edward ran his hand under his shirt and across his nipples. Harry pulled back and looked into Edwards eyes, he was shocked at what he saw. " Edward, why are your eyes black?" Harry asked in concern.

Edward was trying to control himself, he had gone almost a month without his mate. " Harry, you haven't let me feed for a month." Edward said softly. " You haven't allowed any of us to touch you."

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