chapter 34

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Harry lifted his head off his dads chest. " What are you going to do to him?" he asked softly.

Severus sneered at the old man. " We are going to hurt him,,,,, a lot!"

Harry started struggling to get up. " Harry, what are you doing?" asked James. He knew his son was to weak and in pain to get up.

" I-I don't want to watch." He knew his headmaster deserved it, but he still didn't want to watch.

Dumbledore took a step towards Harry, but Belial stopped him with a blood red wing to the face. " Oops, things have a mind of their own." Belial looked anything but sorry, he looked ready to live up to his infamous reputation.

Severus helped his struggling son to sit up. " Harry, you are the one he hurt the most. Everything... Everyone he has ever hurt was to get to you. He took everyone who has ever cared for you, away from you. He is the reason you have suffered through so much pain and heartache."

Harry lowered his head, he didn't want to see the disappointment in his fathers eyes. " I know" he whispered. " I know he deserves it, he is a horrible person. He has hurt so many people, not just me."

Harry looked to Frank and Alice. " Your Neville's parents aren't you? I can see the resemblance. I don't understand, I saw you at St Mungo's?"

Alice approached her beautiful, and sweet godson. " You know my Neville?" Tears started to roll down her face. She couldn't wait to see her baby boy. She was sure he grew up to be a fine, strong man. It broke her heart to know that she missed out on watching him grow.

Harry reached out and took her hand, giving her a small smile. " Neville's one of my best friends. Other then the twins, he's the only other Gryffindor to never turn their back on me. He is brave, smart, kind and forgiving. He has a huge heart, and is always there when you need him. He loves you guys so much."

Harry looked to Severus. " I don't understand?"

" Dumbledore Harry. Neville's mom is your godmother and after your parents supposed death, you should have went to her. You should have been raised with Neville as your brother. They weren't the only ones trapped at his manor." Severus answered.

Harry looked confused and shocked. " Who... What were you?"

Alice brushed the hair from her godsons face. " I was the cat dear, and Frank was the Great Dane."

" There was foxes." Harry started looking around the room full of people. He gasped when his eyes landed on another set of red haired twins, standing next to Fred and George.

Fred stepped forward. " Harry, we would like you to meet our uncles Fabian and Gideon Prewett."

" The foxes!" Harry whispered. He couldn't believe that all these people thought dead or in the hospital were being held by Dumbledore, and it was all his fault.

" There was a panther." Harry said panicking. " We have to go back, he could be a person too."

" Relax pup" Sirius rushed to his godson. " It's ok, the panther was my brother Regulus."

Tears started falling down Harry's face. " My fault." He said in a choked voice. " It's my fault that Neville didn't have his parents growing up. It's my fault you didn't have your brother or uncle." Harry looked to Sirius, Fred and George. Harry looked to his father. " And it was my fault that you lost your mate. It was all my fault." Harry dropped his head between his knees and started sobbing.

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