Forgive Me

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What is wrong with him? Why would he attack me like that?
He thinks I was trying to escape this madness, whereas in reality, I was observing the suspicious locks attached to the door.
Brahms is so manipulative and controlling. Does he not understand that you can't captivate somebody against their own will?
I sat scrunched up into a ball on my large bed, whimpering and fearing what Brahms could do to me next.
Not long after, I could hear a creak coming from the direction of my closet. I wandered over to it and saw the door slowly opening.
Two deteriorated hands reached out, holding a tray consisting of: Three biscuits, a glass of water, and a stack of classical books.
I took the tray from the hands, and quickly sat back on my bed, not wanting to even look or speak to Brahms.
I could hear him wandering off into the distance in the walls, presumably going to spy on me in one of his secret places.
I began to read one of the books which he had selected. I opened the front cover and saw a note attached. It read:
To Greta,
I'm sorry if I scared or hurt you. That's the last thing I would do to you. I thought you would leave me like the others. Please forgive me and let us start a new.
Love Brahms x
This note gave me confidence that Brahms really is sorry.
For the rest of the day, I read my book. Luckily enough, Brahms left me alone.
After everything that he's done, I hope I see him tomorrow, I thought to myself, as I switched the night lamp off and fell into a deep sleep.

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