The End of the Road

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We both step into the warm atmosphere within the house as police sirens flash through the windows forming shadows on the walls.

I demand for Brahms to hide, but it's too late. The police are already banging the door down.

The door is smashed to smithereens as four police men stare into my soul.
"Brahms run!" I shout as he makes a run for his secret passages into the walls.

The police are already on his tail, climbing through the passage and into the walls.

I sprint up the stairs and too my room to enter the walls via the wardrobe passageway.
I suddenly bump into Brahms who is dashing for his life away from the voices of the police calling his name.
He grabs my hand and pulls me along with him as he continues to run.

We turn around a corner to see a policeman holding a gun. Brahms grabs me and continues to sprint into a different direction.

Around every corner we turn, the police are cornering all the possible ways out with their bodies.

Brahms grabs me from behind and wraps his arm around my neck.
"Move out of my way" Brahms growls.
"We can't do that. We know what you've done. There's no where to run or hide. It's over" the policeman interrogates.

Tears prick my face as Brahms' grip tightens, causing me to gasp for air.

"We know your Brahms Heelshire. There's traces of you everywhere. We are arresting you on the suspicion of the murder of Cole Jones, Alfred Jones and a young girl, Emily Cribbs" They listed.

"I'll kill her" Brahms threatens.

"Let her go. We know you've been keeping her here. Or we will be forced to shoot." They demand.

Brahms pushes me behind him with some force and whispers "everything is going to be okay".

Brahms runs and tackles one of the policemen to the ground, whilst the other three restrain his arms as he kicks and punches like a child.

They attach handcuffs around his wrists and drag him out of the walls.

They reach the front door with me running behind.
"Please don't take him!" I beg.
He's thrown into a police car, as it begins to move.

I see the silhouette of his mask looking through the back of the car and into my eyes as I run after the car, crying and panting out of breath.

I fall to my knees as mud splashes upon my face.
"Brahms!" I continuously scream.

My screams go on forever. They never stop. Never.

"When we are children, we seldom think of the future. The innocent leaves us free to enjoy ourselves as few adults can. The day we fret about the future is the day we leave our childhood behind."
~Patrick Rothfuss

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