Familiar Face

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I carried myself towards the banging on the door. As I opened the door, I discovered a familiar face. It was Malcolm!
"Oh my god! Malcolm" I shouted. I quickly regretted that as Brahms probably heard. I was just hoping that he would remain inside the walls whilst Malcolm was here.
"Greta, are you okay? I came to drop off the groceries. Where's Brahms? And why are you choosing to stay with him?" he questioned.
"It's a long story. Come in." I replied. I have never felt so nervous in my life. What if Brahms attacks Malcolm? Then I become even more attached to him.
I followed him into the kitchen, as he placed the groceries on the kitchen table.
"Where. Where is he? I can't believe that he's alive." Malcolm asked.

"He's in the walls." I responded.
"Malcolm, I suggest you leave. After what happened with you and Brahms, I don't want you to anger him." I suggested.
As I looked behind Malcolm, I saw a dominant figure. My worst nightmares were coming true.
I stared at Brahms and mouthed 'no' to him, but he didn't listen.
Malcolm slowly turned around, and saw the terrifying figure.
"Wow. Even uglier than I remembered." Malcolm chuckled.
"Malcolm!" I yelled.

Sooner rather than later, Brahms punched Malcolm in the jaw, causing him to fall to the floor.

Before Malcolm could return to his feet, Brahms had him pinned up against the wall, beginning to choke him.

I tried tugging at Brahms' shoulder, to get him to drop Malcolm, but it was no use.

"Brahms! Stop! Leave him alone!" I begged.
I grabbed a glass bottle nearby and smashed it across Brahms' head, causing it to shatter into pieces.

Eventually, Brahms dropped Malcolm to the ground. Malcolm scurried out of the door in terror, whilst Brahms lay holding his head in his hands.

What have I just witnessed? Brahms nearly killed Malcolm, just because of one comment, which was intended to be a joke.

"Help me Greta, your safe I promise"

"Safe? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? You are vicious. You deserved that bottle smashed around your head! Maybe it showed you some sense and made you realise what you were doing!" I shouted as I ran and locked myself inside the bathroom.

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