The Reality

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I have finally come to my senses.
I can't stay here. I can't condemn murder or violence.
I need to pretend. I need to make him think I feel the same way.
If I can't gain his trust, he won't consider letting me out of the house.
I mean for goodness sake he killed a young girl for no good reason, and he's happy! He didn't face the consequences.
Sometimes staying does more damage than leaving.
I know he's been through a lot and I'm all he has left but I can't be controlled like some sort of doll.
I can't escape straight away. He will be angered and think I hate him.
I have a great way to gain his trust.
I will ask him if I can visit my family in America. He may be reluctant at first, but he needs to gain my trust.
I found the perfect time to ask him.
Myself and Brahms were sitting on the carpet in the living room, looking through some old photos of Brahms with his family.
He didn't look like a guilty child. He looked so innocent and pure.
One thing I have always wondered, why is he so tall?
"Brahms, how tall are you?" I asked.
"6"3 what about you?" He asked.
"5"2". I responded.
I heard him mumble under his breath.
"Short arse."
I didn't say anything.
Now was the time to ask him.
"Brahms. I have loved spending time with you , but looking through those photos made me realise how much I miss my family. Will I be able to visit them?" I asked politely, trying not to anger him.
He didn't say anything for a while.
"Fine. But please promise me you will come back, because if you don't, I will kill you like the others." He replied.
I can't believe it. He actually trusts me! This is perfect. I almost forgot the threat threaded in between his words.
"Of course I will come back!" I said.
With that he kissed me on my forehead and gave me a hug.
He then disappeared upstairs.
So many thought are playing on my mind. I can't believe what he did to Malcolm. How could he? I know he's alive but things could have been a lot worse.
And Brahms. He strangled me, nearly killing me!
He told me that when he killed Emily, he was happy. So why does he seem so mentally depressed?

It was a couple of days until I head off to see my family in America.
I miss them so much.
I was packing the remainder of my clothes and toiletries when I heard what sounded like a little girls laugh.
I mean, Brahms can't do girls voices right? And he was downstairs, far away for me to have been able to hear him.
I ignored it.
"I'm tired, and I'm not thinking straight." I said.
I just thought to myself. How was I nearly able to fall in love with a psychopath? I can't condemn murder.
My plan was working.
I wasn't going to leave him for good. I would still visit and look after him but I can't live there.
That candle light dinner he prepared was amazing, and I'm so grateful.
My mind keeps wondering whether I should really escape and be with Malcolm, or stay with Brahms, just to be mentally broken?
I then heard what sounded like a girls voice saying,
"Leave, I will make him suffer!"
My mind was racing with terrifying thoughts.

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