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His immovable grip stayed firm onto my shoulders, as he began shaking me violently, demanding answers.
"I don't know!" I repeated.
"Stop fucking lying to me!" He yelled.

Without a word, he was already dragging me by the hair and throwing me into his old rusted car.

I repeatedly banged on the windows and pleaded for help, but it was no use. Brahms was too far away to hear.

He drove along the bumpy and rugged path away from the Heelshire manor, until reaching the middle of the woods.

"Get out" he demanded.
I glanced at his hands to see a bundle of rope and a knife as sharp as a razor.

He threw me up against a tree and tied my hands around the back of it so I couldn't escape.
I tried kicking and yelling for him to stop his actions immediately but nothing worked.

He stepped away and sat on the ground, pointing a knife in my direction. I sat, petrified of his intentions.

"Now you're going to tell me where my son is." He spoke.

"I told you I don't know!" I screamed.

He approached closer to me, his breath, rancid and putrid as he spoke those very words "If you don't tell me the truth, I'm forced to do this" whilst holding the knife up against my throat.

"Ok fine. He came here, trying to force me to go back to Montana with him. When I told him no, he left and that's all I know." I lied.

"Where else could he have gone?" He questioned.
"I don't know. Cole was unpredictable and unstable. That's the whole reason I came here, to get away from him" I declared.

He stopped, and came even closer than he already was. He ran his fingertips over the purple bruising on my shoulder, which Brahms had caused.

"There's someone else here isn't there" he asked.
", not at all" I stuttered.

He could sense I was deceiving him and striked me across my face. I screamed in agony. He wouldn't stop.
My muffled screams were covered by his hands and all I could think about was how he could be Brahms' next victim.

The knife was ready to be used along my throat, but I told him everything I know. I can't do much more than that.

Out of fear, I shout "Brahms, help!"

Brahms P.O.V
I slowly but silently shut the bedroom door, allowing Greta's parents to sleep.

I stumbled downstairs and searched frantically in every room, looking for her.

I stepped outside to see her lipstick stained on the house walls. Slowly, I rubbed my fingers over it and tried to piece everything together.
Before I can, I hear my name being screamed in terror.
"Greta?" I shout back.

She's been taken hostage. I have to find her. Dashing inside, I slip into the walls to grab the fire poker as a weapon and begin to trail out into the woods.

After many miles of walking, I finally reach the centre of the woods and see an old, rusted car in the distance. The screams are getting louder now, urging me to move quicker.

Until I reach her. Her tears stained on her plump cheeks. Bruising forming on her face. But most importantly, her lips mouthing "help me".

Normal P.O.V

Cole's father turns to his car to see a tall slender figure standing by it.
"Who the fuck are you?" He questioned.
Brahms slashes his tires effortlessly, before breathing heavily and tackling Cole's father to the ground.

To be continued..

~Sorry about the late update, I've had mock exams to I've had to focus my attention on them. Happy reading!~

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