A Change...

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My mind began to recall the events which occurred just hours ago. No matter how fatigue I was, I urged myself to clean the mess Brahms had made.

I wandered aimlessly into the library, where the damage had been done, and glanced around the room to notice how bad this situation really was.

I began by moving the broken and destroyed furniture to one side, so I wouldn't accidently trip up over it.

After, I decided to order the misplaced books onto the shelves, whilst salvaging any parts of them that were left.

Finally, I attempted to clean the shards of impaling glass which were laid upon the rug, by sweeping them into a pile and gathering them up, using some thick gloves. I hope that Brahms doesn't make this a regular occurrence.

~The Next Day~

My alarm rang extremely loud and early, which forced me to climb out of my bed. The desolate atmosphere felt cold and lonely, as I wrapped my dressing gown around my being.

That's when I noticed that there were miniature flakes of white snow, falling from above, covering the Heelshire estate.

'I can't wait to go out in the snow!', my childlike conscience declared.
Instead, I'm stuck in here, with a eccentric who doesn't seem to like to hear the truth about himself.

Has Brahms ever seen snow? Could I trust him with the stuff? Or would he give me a black eye by launching a snowball in my direction?

It had just hit December now, which meant that going outside without layers would be a death trap.

I reluctantly awoke Brahms, and asked if he's feeling any better. After all, I'm still his 'nanny'.
"Feeling any better?" I mumbled.
His stare engaged with mine, as if to say 'I hurt you'.
He progressed his stare towards my collarbone, to see purple bruises trailing across my shoulder.
Without a word, his hand slowly brushed over the bruising.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" he whimpered.
My mind told me to say 'apology not accepted, but I couldn't bring myself to say that.
"Apology accepted.." I said reluctantly.
I heard small whimpers breaking free from the mask. He's crying? But why? I should be the one in tears.
I could see his actions were in the heat of the moment, and decided to pull him into a hug, whilst comforting him, like I would do with a child.
His arms swaddled themselves around my waist.
He's frozen. Frozen in time as an 8 year old boy.

"I want to show you something" I smiled.

I took him to grab some coats and boots from his fathers old wardrobe, which luckily fit his tall, broad figure. I led him outside.

"What are we doing out here?" He asked, confused.

"And what is this that is laying beneath our feet?" He stumbled.

"You see Brahms, I wanted you to experience what I loved to do in my childhood, which was to play in the snow."I replied, hoping for a positive response.

"Snow?" He declared, in an astonished manner.

I could see that he was beginning to understand what I was implying, so without further or do, I launched a gigantic ball of crumbling snow, which hit him in the middle of his chest.
I guess this makes up for what he did to me last night.

I became nervous, as he just stood there for a while, wondering what his next move would be. I wasn't sure if I had angered him or hit him too hard. Was this ordeal about to turn sinister?

I slowly began to run, as I knew he was out for revenge. That's when I saw him out of the corner of my left eye, holding a humongous ball of snow, waiting for the right moment to launch it.

My legs were running as fast as they could, until they gave in, as I felt a freezing sensation, travelling down my back.

I fell to the ground from the impact and laid on my back. Instantly, I see Brahms laying beside me, laughing contagiously , almost forcing me laugh with him.

"Got you" He whispered into my right ear, as I felt his warm breath travelling throughout my ear drums. I guess this makes up for last night.

I didn't say anything, but instead,  just continued to laugh. It really seemed like Brahms was entertained for once in his life.

We played in the snow, for what seemed like hours, pretending to be children again, except Brahms is still a child.

As I laid on the floor, I saw Brahms' hand reach out of his coat pocket, signalling me to take it.

He took me inside, so we could restore our body temperatures. We sat at the table, as Brahms handed me a warm drink.

"Thankyou.. for today Greta.. and for forgiving me."He stuttered.

"Everyone deserves a second chance."I grinned.

There was silence for a few minutes in between our deep, heavy breaths, until Brahms shoved me against the counter.

His warm lips touched mine. Our breaths were heavy. This is it. I beamed a smile, trapping me inside this fantasy that I wanted to last forever.

To be continued...

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