14| The Savior

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❛❛Listen to my heartbeat.
It calls you whenever it wants to.❜❜

- Save Me


"Don't you dare say another word about my husband."

"The perfect wife, aren't you?" The leader smirked. "Girls, you're free to hurt her as much as you can and want."

The other two girls approached Jihye. One of them had a devilish grin on her face. A part of Jihye wanted to run away from there, to escape. But the other said contrary. She couldn't let this go now. If she did, she'd have to suffer more in the future.

Or worse, they could seriously drag Jungkook into all of this.

"I'm warning you for the last time, don't do it," she said. The girls paid no heed. One of them tried to pin Jihye on the wall but she fought back. She nudged her away, and the other girl caught her hands.

She could tell that they were planning this for quite a lot of time. While her hands were in strong hold, she used her leg to kick the girl's foot, causing her to lose her balance.

"You bitch!" The leader exclaimed and shoved Jihye in the stomach. She pushed her so hard that she hit the wall straight and hard, causing a searing pain to spread across her back.

One of them finally did what she wanted to do in the first place and pinned her to the wall. The other two approached her and she realized there was no way out, she was outnumbered.

The leader, who seemed to despise Jihye the most, suddenly did something Jihye did not see coming. She punched her, hard in the face and she felt a stinging sensation on one side of it. Her bottom lip suddenly felt like it weighed tons.

The leader smiled in pleasure. "Now I'm just sure of it, your relationship with him is fake. It's just a facade."

Jihye felt her thoughts getting clouded. "Where are you, Jungkook?"

As if to answer her question, the bathroom door slammed open with a bang and Jungkook appeared. Jihye smiled but it disappeared in a second because her lips hurt.

"Jungkook-" the leader was suddenly speaking in a very soft tone but Jungkook interrupted her anyway.

He held up a hand as if to say 'stop' and barked, "I don't care what you have to say."

He looked around and sent the girls pinning Jihye a death glare. They immediately released her. "Three against one? Some courage you have." He walked straight inside, saying, "I have concrete evidence. Enough to get all three of you expelled, so you better leave both of us alone."

He took Jihye's hands in his. Seeing her bleeding lips caused his heart to ache. "It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not," he looked at the girls from Jihye. "I love Jihye."

To Jihye, it felt like her heartbeat had stopped for a moment to hear him say that. But she knew, it was just a lie for the girls. "Why does he say it like it's true?"

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