Chapter 5 & 6

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Chapter 5


I called her cellphone over and over and received no answer. She had been gone for hours and I was worried. She always went on drives to clear her head. She was never usually gone this long. It was true that I had dropped a lot in her lap. But I was honest. The only thing she didn't know is that I already knew who I wanted to be the second wife. That we had already began to act as though she was part of the family. And not just in a friendly way.

If she found that out, she would definitely refuse this lifestyle change. As I called her again, I realized that I had a very good idea of where she would be. She would be at Vicki's house. I called her cellphone and she answered.

"Hey. Hold on." She said as soon as she picked up. "Okay. I had to leave the room. I already know why you are calling. And yes, she is here." She informed me.

"How is she?" I needed to know. I didn't want to push her away. I wanted to draw her in by not giving her great options.

"A damn mess."

"What is she saying?"

"That she doesn't know how it came to this and she doesn't want to lose you. One the other hand, she doesn't want to do the plural marriage thing either."

"You are going to work on her on your end, right?" I knew she would. I just needed confirmation."

"Yes. We talked about that already. Listen. I need to go. That way I can get in her head while she's still reeling from the shock. I love you." she said quietly into the phone.

"I love you too. And remember, she can't know about us. She can't know that we have been seeing each other. She'll never agree to it if she does." I reminded her.

"I know. Not a word. Let me go."

"Alright, keep me updated on her, please." I begged.

"Of course." She said before she hung up. I prayed that this worked. It was what I felt I was needing for my life to be complete and I wanted her onboard.

Chapter 6

Victoria (Vicki)

I stopped in the bathroom and took a few deep breaths. Hardly able to believe it myself. When Kai first came to me and said that he was attracted to me, I was shocked. He let me know that it wasn't just physical. That he could see being with me in a union. Po and I were having so many problems by then, it was nice to hear that someone wanted me.

He would give me shows to watch and books to read. They started off as self-help type books for people going through divorces. Which really seemed to help me deal with the separation. Then there were books on alternative lifestyles. They seemed interesting enough. Then, he would come home early from work and come in the living room with Asa and I.

"He would turn on shows like "My many wives." Or "Happy wives, happy life." We would discuss those lifestyles. Then, when he found out that Po hadn't been helping with bills for months and I was falling behind, he began to pay my rent. The first time I refused it. He insisted. He told me that he wanted to make sure that the girls and I were good, always. That was when I knew, I was in love with him.

It was also when I realized that he didn't want to leave Aspyn. He just wanted someone to fill the couple of roles that she was opposed to filling right now. We had all become such good friends, I would never want to hurt her. I loved her as a sister already. We really were like best friends. That's why she came here after he broke the news to her. She knew I would listen.

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