Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


She was trying to be normal, but something was up. You aren't married to someone for this many years and not know when something is going on. She told us that she wanted us all to just hang out and bond. Explaining that we all needed it after months of tension and now worrying about Po getting the girls.

She ordered from her favorite Italian restaurant and told us she had some old movies for us to watch. After the food got here, Aspyn made plates for both myself and Vicki. She didn't make one for herself.

"You not eating?" I asked her.

"Yeah. I just took my nausea pill from the doctor. I want to give it a few more minutes to work before I dig in." she told me.

"Okay, babe. I just want to make sure you two are eating enough. I know this morning sickness is kicking your ass."

"And taking names after. Even then, I am eating. I promise. Now, go ahead in the living room with Vicki. I'm coming in a minute."

"Alright. What's the name of this movie again?" I asked her.

"It's a surprise. But it's so real. It had love, lust, betrayal. You know, everything I love in a movie. I couldn't believe it when I first watched it. You two are going to have a strong reaction to it too. I promise." She said with a smile. I loved her smile. But, this one. It was different. It was like a smile of gloating that she knew something that we didn't.

A few minutes later, she came in with the remote and went to the camera setting. Which was weird for a movie. We had the camera setting so that we could link and watch footage from Asa's room on the big screen TV's if we needed to. That should have been my cue. It wasn't. But I damn sure got the picture when she hit play.

Right there on the seventy-two inch Television screen in the family room were Vicki and I. We were in Asa's room, kissing. I kiss Aspyn in her room all the time. The difference here is that the date on the recording was before I took Vicki as my wife. And Aspyn is Asa's mom. It's perfectly alright to see us kissing.

The picture kept changing to different days and us fooling around. Vicki sat there watching and not saying a word. By the time she made it to the fifth time, I stood up, grabbed the remote from her and turned it off.

"Baby...." I started.

"Nope." She responded. Putting her hands up. I could tell she didn't want to hear anything I had to say.

"You two snakes had this planned out all along. Didn't you?" she asked. Looking back and forth from myself to Vicki.

"It's not like that. It's not how you are thinking." I tried to explain.

"Really. Well, I'm thinking that you have been screwing her for way longer than she has been my sister-wife" she said that with air-quotes as if it wasn't really the case. "You didn't even come to me about living the life until months after some of this footage was taken. Then, thinking that Vicki was my best friend, I go to her. And she says the exact same things that you did. It almost made me feel like I was crazy for NOT wanting to share you with another woman."

"No. I know.." I tried to get a word in edgewise. She wasn't having it though.

"No. It's my turn to speak. And I can tell by the smug ass look on your face that you have been waiting for all of this to come out. Haven't you?" she turned to Vicki and asked. Pointing her finger in her face.

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