Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Aspyn-Two weeks later

Sitting across from my sister and Mya in the restaurant, they were both just staring. Mouths agape. They couldn't fathom what I had just shared with them. I had been thinking about it for weeks. Praying over the decision that he wanted me to make. I knew which way I was leaning, but I needed some outside perspective.

Mikai and I decided not to speak about it while I considered it. I didn't want to be pressured or forced into it. He agreed. We had been living life as normally as we could. Of course, I was stressed out. Who wouldn't be when your husband comes to you and suggest that you all take another woman into your marriage?

I had decided that it would be worse if he didn't tell me. He had also asked me, that while I considered it, I consider if I knew anyone that would want to join our family. Just in case my answer was yes. I wanted to tell him that it was too soon to consider that when I hadn't even chosen which road I was going to take.

The funny thing is, I found myself thinking about it. Really considering it. Everything was becoming overwhelming. So, I called a brunch with my big sister, Summer, and Mya. Mya wasn't just my assistant of three years. She was my other best friend. I also considered Vicki my best friend and I already knew where she stood.

Summer didn't care for Vicki and Mya could take or leave her. But, you know how possessive we women are over our best friends. I figured that was the situation with them. Their feelings towards her weren't rooted in anything but gut feelings. But, she was so good with Asa. The best nurse we ever had. And I loved her girls as well.

My sister's voice woke me out of my stupor.

"Wait, he wants you to sanction him cheating? Is that what I'm hearing?" she asked incredulously.

"I don't think he's wanting to cheat." Mya chimed in. "He wants something more it sounds like. A whole family type of thing. Am I right?" she turned to clear with me.


"It's cheating. Plain and simple. Even if you sign off on it. The bible says that the bishop if the husband of one wife. We don't do that multiple wives any longer. And with good reason. Wouldn't you be jealous? I couldn't do that shit." she said, sipping on her crown apple.

"I don't know." Mya said.

"What do you mean you don't know? This doesn't sound crazy to you?" she turned to ask Mya.

"It sounds different. I don't know if it sounds crazy though." Mya admitted.

"You crazy too then. Aspyn, where are you at with it?" my sister finally asked me. Noticing that I had just been watching their back and forth without saying a word.

"When he first brought it up, I was against it. But now, I don't know. I guess I'm trying to figure out why I was so opposed to it. It's not like it doesn't work for some people. I have been reading up on it. There are people who are genuinely happy with that arrangement.

"I can't believe what I am hearing." My sister said as she called the waitress back over to refill her drink. "Mama must be rolling over in her grave hearing you consider this bullshit." She said, leaning in so that only the three of us could hear her say that. It instantly brought tears to my eyes.

"That's not fair. Don't do that, Summer." I begged her with a few of the tears now spilling over.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to. I'm not trying to make you feel bad. You know I love you. But, you also know that mama and poppy fought like cats and dogs over his cheating. I'm convinced that's what killed her."

"A massive heart attack killed her and you know that." I argued.

"A damn broken heart killed her. She did everything for poppy and he couldn't keep it in his pants. You remember sitting up at the top of the stairs and listening to them. One woman after another. Hell, we have a brother that didn't come from mama but he damn sure younger than us." She pointed out. And she wasn't wrong.

"Wait, Summer." Mya stepped in as I dabbed at my eyes. "You guys know I knew Ms. Carol and she was the sweetest yet toughest lady I ever met. But this isn't that. It doesn't sound like it anyway. He didn't go out and cheat with multiple women..."

"...That we know of.." Summer threw in there as she accepted her drink from the waitress with thanks.

"....Anyway...." Mya continued, rolling her eyes. "He's coming to her and asking her to build this family with him. Not okay cheating. And I don't know what you should do, but I don't think I would say no right off the bat to an arrangement like that. Let me ask you something. Is he saying that everyone's needs will be met in this arrangement?" she wanted to know.

"That's the plan." I answered.

"And your biggest issue is getting what? Getting over what people will say? Or you just don't want to share him?"

"Maybe some of both. My not wanting to lose him completely outweighs all of that. I will freely admit that part. I love him. I always have. I can't be without him." I cried.

"What? You are beautiful, intelligent, successful and caring and you think you can't be without a man? You can do anything you want to do." Summer told me, reaching out and rubbing me on my back.

"Thank you, sis. I believe that. And what I want, is my husband. However, I have to have him. And hey, maybe it won't be so bad." I added, wiping my tears and taking a drink of her apple crown.

"I give up." She said.

"It sounds to me like you are saying yes." Mya added.

"I think I might be."

"And what if it doesn't work out? What if you are miserable?" Summer threw in there.

"Then I will have to leave. But I won't ever feel right if I leave before doing all I can to make my marriage work. I have to try. He's right. Mikai has kept every promise he has made me. I have been slacking big time on mine. I owe him to at least try it out before I totally dismiss the idea."

Summer threw her hands in the air and Mya just watched me. I guess I had decided. I was going to be a sister wife. And I think I knew who with.

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