Chapters 13 & 14

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Chapter 13


I knew what she was doing. Damn near everytime it was Kai's turn to be with me, she started some kind of ruckus. Some bogus argument to ruin our time together. And he would feed right in to her drama. Him sleeping with her on my night was the last straw. I had walked out of the bedroom to head down and get some ginger ale.

I thought I heard noises coming from her bathroom. I snuck over and stood outside the door. Just as I thought, they were having sex. Then he never came to bed. I knew because I didn't fall asleep until after four a.m. When I did wake up, he was there. As if he had been there all night.

I didn't want to argue. Morning sickness was already kicking my ass. I just got up, got ready for work and left. He sent me several text during the day. I would respond with one-word answers. He knew from there that he was in trouble. When I got home, he asked if we could speak.

We went into our bedroom where I kicked my heels off and started to get undressed.

"I am so sorry I didn't come to bed last night. It was my night with you. Vicki and I were trying to sort through some things and I fell asleep. I know that's no excuse, but it's what happened." He said, looking like he was sorry. Not yet he wasn't.

"Well, it's to be expected, I guess. Having sex with her in her bathroom on OUR night after she ruined OUR ice cream date can make a man tired." I shot back. Never even looking at him. I continued to unbutton my shirt and tossed that into the basket. Standing there in my bra and panty set with my stomach starting to poke out because of the baby.

I headed into the bathroom and turned on the shower. He had followed me in and grabbed me by arm, turning me to face him.

"How did you...."

"Oh please. I heard it. I felt sick and wanted some ginger ale. I thought I heard you two and headed in that direction. I was right." I answered, snatching away from him so that I could wrap my hair up for the shower.

"Aspyn. Baby..."

"Save it." I told him and stepped into the shower. When I was done, I stepped out and he was sitting on the counter, waiting for me. "What can I help you with? It's Wednesday." I reminded him. "Vicki's day. And you best believe that she would have been banging on this door and dragging you out by your ear if you had done to her what you did to me."

"Aspyn. I am so sorry. I messed up. I am only human. I'm still trying to get this thing together myself. Vicki claims that I love you more and that we are going behind her back and making decisions." He explained.

"She's full of it. She's jealous that I'm pregnant and she never really wanted a sister wife. She wanted to be a wife. Your wife. I'm seeing that more and more everyday. And it hurts, because I consider her my best friend. And I feel like I'm losing that. When you take time allotted for me and give it to her, it just twist the knife harder and deeper."

"I am so sorry, Pynnie.." he said, reaching out and pulling me over to hug me. This time I let him. "It won't happen again." He promised.

"It better not."

"And tonight is your night. I'll stay here with you. That's only fair." He assured me.

"No. go to her. I don't want to start any drama. You get one pass and that was it. I can't even believe that I'm saying this. But, I really want it to work out between the three of us. I know I didn't think so at first, but I think this life could be great. We all just have to work at it."

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