Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


We walked by the water hand in hand. I was happy that everything had worked out. I was getting the man and the life that I wanted. Even if I had to deal with having his wife in the picture. Mikai and I were on our fifth date. We were drawing it out a little bit so that she wouldn't get suspicious.

When she came to me and raised the idea of becoming Kai's second wife, I acted like I was shocked and needed time to consider. She told me not to answer right away. She told me that she knew that Mikai and I had never thought if each other in that way. Aspyn almost begged me to give it some thought and spend some time together with her husband.

After the third date, I told her that I could see the appeal of being with him. But, I still wasn't sure. Aspyn suggested we all hang out. Which we had done before, but this time, it was almost as if she was match-making. She had arranged that we have a couple more dates to be sure when we told her that we were almost sure it might work and that there was an attraction.

The only rule was that we not have sex until the hand fastening ceremony that we would have to bind us all together. Which I was actually on board with. Kai, not so much. However, I got him to come around. We were getting what we wanted. The least he could do was wait a few more weeks for sex. He agreed.

"It's so pretty out here." I told him.

"Nowhere near as pretty as you." he told me, causing me to blush.

"I can't believe it's happening. When should we move my things in?" I asked him.

"Your lease is up in a month. Have you given notice?" he wanted to know.

"Hell yes. I gave notice the day after she came by and asked me to consider being your second wife."

He laughed at my answer and eagerness. Pulling me closer.

"That's my girl. I bet you have already been packing too."

"The whole kitchen and two bedrooms." I told him with a smile.

"You are crazy." He said, bending down and kissing me.

"We need to figure out the sleeping arrangements. You know Asa needs to keep the downstairs master's suite. With her hospital bed, equipment and supplies and everything." He began.

"Oh, I know. There are three bedrooms upstairs to choose from. The girls can share the rooms that have the Jack and Jill bathroom. I'll take the back room. It's plenty big enough. I love the closet space and I don't mind walking across the hall to my own bathroom."

"Are you sure you wouldn't rather have a bathroom in your room?" he asked.

"I'm fine. It makes better sense this way. I'm happy to just be coming to be with you."

We stopped walking at some benches facing the water and sat down. I leaned my head on his and we continued to talk and plan for our futures.

"We won't be in that house long anyway." He said to me.

"Why not? I love it." I inquired.

"Well, once you start popping out babies, we are going to need more rooms."

I laughed out loud. He was stuck on having at least seven children. Counting the three between us, I was going to be tasked with giving him at least two more. We were hoping that Aspyn would come around and agree to at least one more. If she did, I would gladly carry three for him. I loved him with my whole being.

The truth be told, I wanted him since the day we did the meet and greet. That is when the nurses or nursing assistants first head over to meet the family of the patients. It's to see if the family, patient and caregiver are a good fit. Either side can refuse. But, if they click, then they do an orientation and then start work. When he was walking me through Asa's room and routine, I wanted to throw myself in his arms.

I knew before I ever met her that I was going to be her nurse. And his mistress. The truth is, he is the reason Po and I started having issues. Po had always been a half-ass husband. I was willing to put up with it, until I met Mikai. When I saw how good he was to Aspyn, I knew I could have better. That I could have him.

I also knew that he would never leave her. And I didn't care. I started to push Po to be better. When he got tired of me nagging him and our constant arguing about things that didn't used to bother me, he decided to leave.

I wasted no time showing up on their doorstep, in tears. I pretended that I was looking for Aspyn. Even thought I knew she was away at a real estate convention. He took me in and hugged me. His cologne, his chest, his arms, his touch that night made me feel better already. We had already done double dates and had family barbeques and dinners. The seed had been planted already. I was the one who began to suggest those things at first.

Cultivating the friendship and bond. That's how I learned that Aspyn and Kai wanted different things. I listened to both sides of their stories. I then converted myself into everything that he wanted and wasn't getting at home from her. He was already everything I needed and wasn't getting. And that was before he ever even touched me. When he began to speak to me about polygamy, I was with it. If it brought me him and Aspyn came along with it, fine by me.

Now, within weeks, I would be out of that small three -bedroom apartment with rooms the size of closets and into their large home. Once I became pregnant, into a bigger house still. I wouldn't even have to work. But, here's the kicker. I would still be turning in my time slips and getting paid to take care of who was going to essentially be, my daughter and the home.

Everything was looking up and I was more than happy. I finally had the man and life that I had coveted since the first day I laid eyes on them.

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