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We traveled westward along the wall in silence, headed for the furthest most reaches of the land that was protected by Wall Maria.

Erwin had made it clear that our mission was to check out the far reaches of the wall where the abnormal beast titan had been seen last and try to find out how the titans were breaching our defenses.

I glanced over at Levi, who was scanning the road ahead of us with a dark, focused gaze, and opened my mouth to say something to him, but then thought better of it. I flicked the ends of my reins across the palm of my hand, the leather making a slight slapping sound as it hit my skin.

As predicted, after a few seconds of the repetitive sound, Levi spoke up in a slightly irritated tone. "Oi, (L/N)."

I glanced over at him, an innocent smile flickering across my lips as I raised my eyebrows at him. "Yes, Ackerman? Is something bothering you?"

He scowled at me and then said darkly, "Tch. Nothing new. Just you."

"Wow. I'm offended." I gasped dramatically, pretending to wipe a tear from my eye. "That really cuts me deeply." I met his gaze, pursing my lips into a deep pout, before I dropped the act and smirked at him. "Oh wait. No, it doesn't. Because I don't give a titan's ass what you think about me."

He scoffed and was about to retort something back to me when we heard Jaeger call up from behind us, "Corporals! Titans coming at us from the North."

Levi jerked his horse's head around as he came to a stop, so that he was facing the group of cadets that had been following us. He jumped off the large, black stallion and threw the reins at Jaeger, who caught them neatly in his hand. He straightened his 3DM gear, glancing at the curious cadets, before he said in a flat, bored voice, "Corporal (L/N) and I will take care of them. There won't be many this far out and it'll be fairly quick." He glared at the cadets as he straightened, pulling his blades from their sheaths. "You brats will just get in our way. We'll make quicker time if you wait here and we head onward after the titans are taken care of."

I slid off my mount and landed lightly next to him on the ground, pulling my blades out as well as I flicked my chin at Johnson and Miller. "You two. Stay with the squad. He's right. We can take care of this more quickly if all you idiots aren't underneath our feet."

"Let's go, (L/N)." Levi said briskly, before shooting off into the trees on his lines.

I nodded once to the cadets before I shot off after him, following him through the thick forest as we dodged around trees and underneath large branches.

I caught up to Levi so that we were flying next to each other, and glanced down below us, catching sight of the first titan crashing through the trees. It was a fifteen meter, but it appeared to be alone.

"Ackerman." I called out to him, and when he looked over to me, pointed below us toward the shambling titan. "I'll take care of this bastard. Go on ahead. I'll catch up."

He nodded once and his lines whipped him forward through the trees as he disappeared from my sight.

I dropped through the trees at a swift speed, my focus on the titan below me. The leaves and branches whipped past me, stinging my face, but I kept my gaze locked on the back of the titan's neck.

With a yell, I crashed through the last of the small branches and came out into the open behind the titan, my blades held in front of me. The 3DM lines flung me across the small opening in the trees, and as I flew past the large, grinning titan, I slashed one of the blades across its neck.

Blood splashed onto my face as I ripped the blade from its flesh and it fell to the ground, bringing down trees with it as it crashed downward. I landed on the large branch of a tree and stood for a moment, looking down at the downed titan, the blood already beginning to steam and disappear from my cheek.

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