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The only reason we ended pulling apart was because Hange showed up.

We heard the footsteps coming down the hallway toward us at the same time and Levi broke our lips apart and stepped back from me, leaning against the railing behind him as I hurriedly straightened my hair.

He shot me a smirk as I attempted to look presentable again, and I glared at him, mouthing silently across the gap between us, "Shut up" just as Hange poked her head out the open doorway onto the balcony.

She looked between the two of us for a brief moment, not showing any inkling of knowing what was going on on her face, and then turned to me, her eyebrow raised. "Here you two are. (F/N), I was worried when you left so suddenly. Levi came to come and check on you. Is everything alright?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine." I straightened, pushing myself up off the wall, knowing there was a slight blush spreading across my cheeks as I tried to avoid looking over at Levi. Hopefully it was dark enough that Hang wouldn't notice the redness on my skin. I shot her a smile, hoping to draw her attention away from the fact that I was extremely uncomfortable. "I just got a bit sick from the food. Not used to so many fancy dishes. I just needed to come and get some air."

Levi left the railing and walked past Hange, entering the castle again, and not looking in my direction as he said in a flat tone, "Tch. She's an adult, four eyes. Don't worry so much."

"Don't snap at me just because you aren't a good friend, Rivaille." Hange followed inside after him, shooting me a look over her shoulder as she gave me a slight wink.

I felt the blush deepen on my cheeks. Hell, she knew something was up. I should have known I couldn't hide anything from her.

Trailing behind the two of them, we all went back to the dining hall, where the feast was winding down.

I took my seat across from Serpico again and he gave me a gentle smile as I sat down, asking politely, "Feeling better?"

I nodded. "Yes, thank you."

As the courses were cleared away by the servants and desserts were brought out to take their places, I glanced over at Levi, who was seated beside me. He had been there all night, but I had tried not to pay attention to him earlier, thinking that if he was going to ignore me all night, I'd attempt to do the same.

However, things had certainly changed since the feast had begun.

I dropped my eyes back to the plate in front of me, hurriedly hiding the small smile that had flickered across my lips at the thought. Damn it, here I was, being distracted by Levi again. I should be using the time we had left in the palace to learn what I could from the generals.

As one of the maids set down a plate of dessert in front of me, I picked up my fork and turned back to Serpico, giving him a small smile as I said, "Serpico, I was wondering if you would mind if I asked you a few questions."

He swallowed the bite of food he had put into his mouth and returned my smile, dabbing his mouth politely with his napkin as he said, "I would be more than happy to assist you where I can, Corporal (L/N)."

Levi shifted beside me and then I heard him mutter darkly under his breath, "Ask him when he and the other generals are going to get off their asses, leave the safety of this pompous castle, and come beside us to fight the titans with their own hands."

I raised my napkin to my lips, pretending to wipe my mouth, but in reality, I was hiding my smile at his disgruntled comment from beside me. I kicked my foot into his leg under the table, hard enough that he swore under his breath and shot me a glare. Before I could pull my leg back from his, he slipped a hand underneath the table and caught my ankle with his fingers. I froze, keeping my face as normal as possible, my gaze away from him, even though my heart was pounding like crazy in my chest and I felt like I had stopped breathing altogether. He ran his slender fingers up under the hem of my dress and over the skin of my calf, his skin cool and smooth against my leg as he traced a pattern on my skin.

Underground (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now